The story about Miklah is an ever developing one! Since 2014, Miklah (formely, ‘The Complete You Ministry’) has been on the forefront of the inspiration and practical empowerment of young people (youth and adolescents) for socioeconomic transformation. Started as an inspirational blog in 2014, Miklah has evolved into a focused tech-driven Christian-based entity addressing young people’s challenges of poverty, education, health, leadership and entrepreneurship through our disruptive and technological initiatives and trainings.
In 2018, Miklah became even more focused and introduced business and service delivery models, hence the sustainable initiatives of Miklah; Lhealth App, Sacred Entrepreneurship, Miklah Academy, and The Citizenry. Our initiatives have been recognized and awarded various awards, including the Total Startupper of the year (Total), Tony Elumelu Foundation (Nigeria), UNCAP (Germany), NTF (UK and Uganda), and more!
But How Exactly Does Miklah Work? Our Only TWO STRATEGIES!
Do you understand or KNOW how Miklah Life works? Well, it is very very easy!
Basically, our greater mission is to foster achievement of DEMOGRAPHIC DIVIDEND. This means, empowering young people to lead socio-economic transformation for Uganda, and thus national development. To achieve this, we embark on 4 pillars: 1. Education; 2. Health; 3. Entrepreneurship; 4. Governance.

How do we do it exactly? Two Miklah Strategies!
#MiklahLife Employs only two strategies:
1. We DESIGN and DEPLOY sustainable and technology-backed solutions or initiatives to solve specific challenges within the four pillars as highlighted above. By this strategy, we have initiatives like #LhealthApp for sexuality education, #MiklahAcademy for modern skills in education, #SacredEntrepreneurship for entrepreneurship and business, and #TheCitizenry for leadership and civic engagement.
However, we know that we can never design and deploy enough solutions for all young people’s challenges. Besides, some of our solutions may not be great and fail to deliver! Hence the 2nd strategy!
2. We TRAIN and EMPOWER young people to think through their problems and design appropriate sustainable solutions for such problems. This is the soul reason we have training and empowerment at MIKLAH; to enable you to do that which we couldn’t do or do it better! Our trainings come under #SacredEntrepreneurship initiative.
So how do you exactly benefit from us, from Miklah Strategies?
1. Choose a skill in the many modern-day digital skills and learn it. When you learn a skill with us, your life is never the same again. Visit the academy here: https://miklahlife.com/academy
2. Choose starting and growing a sustainable or SDGs-oriented business with us. We can make you the social entrepreneur you ever wanted to be. See more here, https://miklahlife.com/sacrrepreneur.
3. How about accessing our free sexuality education and services here. We give you to timely and accurate information interactively. We also avail a trained counsellor to you freely. And much more. See here: https://lhealthapp.com.
4. Take your leadership and civic engagement skills, dreams, and plans to a higher level with us at The Citizenry. We want you to be a leader, equipped with all tools to navigate this life. Visit us: https://miklahlife.com/citizenry
NOT CONVINCED? We still have more exciting initiatives for you. Check a list of all Miklah Initiatives here. You will be surprised.
Whatever you wanna be or do, #MiklahLife is your home. We have it all covered. Under one roof, under one God. Lol. For more, visit Miklah Life website, www.miklahlife.com. Thank you. Any questions? Call/WhatsApp 0779342057/0755810621 or send email to miklahlife@gmail.com.