

ShareLand Uganda - Connecting Farmers to Landowners

ShareLand Uganda is connecting farmers to unused land (or land owners), thereby establishing mutual farming partnerships for subsistence and show more

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ShareLand Uganda is connecting farmers to unused land (or land owners), thereby establishing mutual farming partnerships for subsistence and commercial farming.

More than 65% of Uganda’s cultivable land is unutilized. According to FAO (2020), If Uganda’s land was fully utilized, the country would feed more than 200m people. Sadly, even with the few 43 to 46 million people, there is hunger and a lot of poverty. Agriculture employs more than 67% of the country’s workers and yet contributes less than 5% to the national GDP, all signs of poor productivity.

Enabling access to land without being limited by money, but motivated by a desire to utilize redundant land and increase productivity will enable farmers do farming and the modern way using technology and sustainable farming methods. And the partnerships established are building blocks of sustainable communities.

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