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Shareland Uganda connects farmers who want to do farming to landowners who have unused land, establishing farmer-landowner partnerships for farming, either for subsistence or commercial reasons. The farmer and landowner share the harvest (money or agricultural produce) as they see fit. They both win!

What is the problem?
– In Uganda where more than 75% depend on agriculture, only 60% of households own land, leaving out 40% with no land. The worst: Only 35% of cultivable land is used, and 65% is idle! According to FAO (2020), if land was fully utilized, Uganda could feed more than 200m people. Unfortunately, with a population of just 45m, millions are in hunger and poverty.
In other words, many small-scale farmers have no land, and yet some individuals have big acres of unused land! The result is low agricultural productivity, leading to hunger, famine, & poverty!
Why ShareLand!
More agricultural produce reduces hunger & poverty↗
When land is accessed and well-utilized, it guarantees increased agricultural produce, chasing away hunger and poverty!
Use available land, instead of cutting trees for more!↗
We don’t need more land, but just to share what is already available. This saves trees, swamps, and other biodiversity!
Accessing enough land equals sustainable farming ↗
When a farmer has enough land, then he can practice modern and sustainable farming, use equipment, and do variety!