Thanks for your interest in SWAPafrica Library of Things, below are the community guidelines or terms for now.

1. You shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining any equipment and ancillary services needed to connect to, access or otherwise use SWAPafrica Library of Things (SLOT). Anything borrowed should be returned in the same condition it was taken. If a product is damaged in the hands of the borrower, he or she shall incur the repair costs.
2. The borrower incurs transport costs in picking and returning what he or she has borrowed. Arrangements can be made for delivery. All light items can be delivered within Kampala at a fee of just 5000 UGX. Outside Kampala, the borrower arranges for the delivery options himself!
3. Only registered members of SWAPafrica Library of Things will borrow the available products and services. Non-members can also borrow whatever they need but at a small fee. To register, call/WhatsApp +256779342057 or send email to You can also register online at
4. To become a member, there are three account options;
A. Plan A (UGX 5K for life-time registration; can borrow up to 5 items at ago).
B. Plan B (UGX 10 for life-time registration can borrow up to 10 goods at ago).
C. Plan C (UGX 15K for life-time registration; can borrow up to 15 items at ago).
5. Items will be borrowed within the agreed time-periods. Overstay of items or whatever is borrowed will attract extra charges.
6. If the borrower of the equipment has no skills to use the equipment, SLOT will offer to either train him or her or just do the work intended at a fee that shall be discussed per client and situation.
7. The assumption is that the borrowed item is for personal use. If the borrower wants to use the borrowed items for public or business purposes, he or she should disclose that at the time of borrowing so that specific arrangements are made.
8. SWAPafrica Library of things is not responsible for accidents or injuries that a borrowed item may cause to the borrower and/or his circle of people. All items should be inspected and confirmed during borrowing. SLOT believes that it borrows out products and services that are in proper conditions for use.
NB: These terms will be updated regularly and users get informed in time