

Tag: dating

The 5 Secrets to Win Any Woman’s Heart!

Woman's Heart

There is that woman, that woman you flashed your eyes on and, oh my God, she caught your eyes. From then up to now, all you ever dream about is having her, making her yours. Of course, finding the right woman for you is your first step but then winning her heart is your next [...]read moreThe 5 Secrets to Win Any Woman’s Heart!

6 Dating Mistakes Christian Make in their Dating!

Self love

Are you a Christian and in times of opposite sex relationships and dating? I mean, do you wanna find Mr. or Mrs. Right for you? Yes, you will definitely find one. Actually, I already wrote ‘how to tell that she or he is the right one for you’ and I hope it will be a [...]read more6 Dating Mistakes Christian Make in their Dating!

How to tell that she or he is the right one for you!

Miklah Blog

Introduction We have talked and shared a lot, haven’t we? Today, we wanna look at something more serious; telling that she or he is the right one for you!  Yes, many people can counsel you on many relationship matters but, surely, few have a hint on how to tell that that woman or man you [...]read moreHow to tell that she or he is the right one for you!