Miklah Blog

The whole world waits for your orders: press them.

You see, the whole world and all that makes it is under the control of man. Actually, whatever was created was meant to serve man in the most profound way. But the service the natural laws and the whole world around you will always be according to your orders. Press in bitter orders, bitter things will be brought on to your table and press in sweet orders and sweet things will be delivered. So what come first are our orders and the nature will arrange itself to serve that purpose. Yeah, you don’t arrange it (after all, you don’t know how) but you really have to participate.
I first learnt the above truth while in senior two but I never practiced it deeply till recently in January when I was looking for a job. I left my home area focused to work in Mbarara or a better city than that. When I reached in Mbarara, I thought I was mad to have thought about that. This was because there were no any signs of job for the whole 3 weeks of concrete searching. Many people had offered me jobs in Kiruhura, Isingiro and other remote districts but I had refused despite the hunger and dryness I was suffering in those days.
Fortunately, I met this guy in a good medical centre who promised me a job. However, he still had matters to take care of before he could take me in. As I lingered around waiting for this man’s call, someone offered me a job in Ibanda. I wanted to refuse but hunger was killing me. For those who follow my writings, you are aware that waiting or patience is not being totally inactive, it is simply doing something else while waiting on what you intended to do or achieve. Also, from my writings, you are aware that short term goals and achievements are the true fathers of long term goals and achievements.
Basing on the above two insights, I was to survive hunger if I was to work in Mbarara. I was to prevent death or any other destruction if I was to have the world deliver my orders. So I called the guy, told him that I was leaving for a simple job for survival but that I would be back as soon as he got ready. While I was at my new job in Ibanda, I kept calling this guy and reminding him how enthusiastic I was to work with him. After 2 months working in Ibanda, I was called back for my job in Mbarara and indeed the world had delivered my ORDER.
What am I trying to say? The world waits for our orders only and then we patiently wait for its deliverance (it has got so many people to serve). What kills most of us is that we are not sure of what we want exactly. We don’t have a focus, a kind of life or job or woman or prestige we are fighting for. Failure to know exactly what we need makes us fail to press exact orders. And, instead, when life keeps delivering other people’s orders we are only gnashing our teeth.
We have to define what we need and be specific. Even when life delays to deliver our orders, we shouldn’t change. Yeah, we can rest. We can dose. We can do something else meanwhile but we must not give up on our orders. The truth is that life and the natural world under natural laws finally delivers according to our orders. So what are your orders? What do you want to be delivered to you in this year or that year? I am saying, which type of lady do you wanna meet? How much money do you wanna be paid? Which kind of school or university do you wanna study in? And which kind of life do you wanna live? Press in your orders and patiently wait. Remember, patience is simply doing something else which may or may not be related to your great order while you wait for the deliverance of your order (the short term goals and achievements).
I am aware of the challenges we meet as we wait upon life to deliver our services. Sometimes I would question my integrity, “what if I am becoming too much proud or stubborn? Shouldn’t I take what life offers me? What if it is what God is giving me and I am trying to oppose him? What if I lose everything and people laugh at me?” All these questions and more come to us especially when we are still waiting for the fulfillment of our orders but life is about risks and this is worthy of our risking. Also, at times the nature talks to you and you really understand what you were meant for and thus avoid compromise. Also, God also listens to our orders after he has judged them and finds them fair. So we must press our orders.
Know what you are and what you want and press your order, which is the meaning of life. Next time, we will try to know how to tell who we are and what we deserve so we may press right orders.
The Complete You Project.
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December 18, 2014 - In Motivation and Inspiration

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December 18, 2014 - In Motivation and Inspiration

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