The story about Sacred Entrepreneurship

Convinced by moral and ethical codes prescribed by the Bible, and then coming across some terrible parts or stories about unregulated modern day capitalism, I always asked; can’t there be a way of doing business without necessarily selling our souls? This question left me with no answers for a long time. Every option I considered hit a dead end as it needed money to survive, and to make money necessitates compromises with our souls, maybe not always but, sure, often.

Anyway, I continued writing about my disappointments with the business world on my blog,, without sharing a sustainable solution. When world leaders thought of sustainable development goals, I felt a relief; I then had where to begin to build a world of entrepreneurs who don’t think of money and profits only but also people and environment. And I began on the journey to concentrate on sustainable businesses in my writings.

In 2018, I came across a scholar known as Charles Eisenstein in his book, Sacred Economics and, yeah, he changed my life. In details, Charles discusses how MONEY, instead of proving us with access to resources, blocks us from enjoying the available abundance. And, in his own explanations, it is not money that is a problem; it is how money is made and used in capitalistic world! This book changed my life. With his disruptive inspirations and my passion for sustainability, Sacred Entrepreneurship was started as a harmonization of sacredness and sustainable business.

At Sacred Entrepreneurship, we help young people to start thinking beyond self, money and wealth when they think of entrepreneurship or business and, instead, envision a world of fair and equal measures of humanity to each one of us and our mother earth. Welcome to the world of such entrepreneurs.