Bobi Wine’s 10 Unique Qualities that make him Stand out & Get big Following!
From day 1 when he openly decided to join politics, Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu aka Bobi Wine has always had a big following! And despite the challenges and harassments from President Museveni’s government and other ‘hidden’ enemies, the young politician’s crowd keeps growing and growing! Apparently, no one expected him to be here, wrestling with politics, not even his closest, Eddy Yawe! However, surprises do happen, don’t they? Besides, maybe, he unconsciously had it (politics) in his blood for a long time. After all, his songs had a lot of political message. And, yeah, each one of us is a political animal, they say!
Anyway, according Nantume’s analysis, Bobi Wine formally joined active politics in 2017 when ‘declared his intention to contest for the Kyadondo East parliamentary seat that fell vacant after the Court of Appeal upheld the nullification of the 2016 elections’ (Nantume, 2017). And you know what! He won! His little time in parliament must have shown him a lot. Remember, it is during his time in parliament that Museveni and his NRM guys amended the constitution to remove age limits! Having removed term limits earlier in 2005, President Museveni now can rule for life! During those difficult times, Bobi Wine stood with the opposition and tried to block the move! Unfortunately, Museveni got his way!
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Apparently, this blow to Bobi Wine and his fellow opposition didn’t stop him from dreaming big! He had done all he could to stop the amendment, but he had lost anyway! Instead of slowing down, he geared forward. In July 2019, he announced his intentions to run for presidency. “On behalf of Ugandan people, I challenge you to free and fair elections”, the young man strongly declared. And, boom, the real ‘war’ (or, the lyrics of Cyrsto Panda, struggle) broke out!
Since then, Bobi Wine has had it rough; harassed and blocked a thousand times, beaten, imprisoned, and abused, but his following or supporters keeps getting bigger and bigger. These same followers have been beaten, shot at and killed, ridden over with cars and all sorts of things, and yet they keep popping up from their safest hoods to cheer up the man, their hope, Bobi Wine! As a matter of fact, the president aspirant was beaten and tortured on the same day he was officially nominated! And yet Bobi Wine is still strong and his following increasing even more!
In today’s article, we wanna explore 10 unique features or qualities that make Bobi Wine stand out of the crowd of many opposition candidates, including those who have been around for long time, and command such a big following amidst harassment and brutality! Let us get started:
- He is opposition. There is a common saying that ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’. In Uganda, many people want Museveni out. So, choosing to oppose Museveni earns you a level of automatic support. As we will see, you can be all other things but fail to attract numbers if you aren’t on the opposition side.
- He is young. Young politicians can really attract numbers. Of course, Joe Biden managed to win at his age, but it is probably because he was competing with an equally old Trump. According to Denver survey, if the young Pete Buttigieg had been chosen to represent democrats, the age debate could have come in! Additionally, for Bobi Wine, Uganda’s 78% of the population are below 30 years, implying a very young country. And young people easily feel connected with their fellow young politicians.
- He has had a difficult past. Bobi Wine’s life story is an inspiration to many people in Uganda. A story of poverty, poor access to quality education and health, and growing up trying to figure out everything on your own is a story for almost all Ugandans (except the few lucky ones). This makes it easy for him or for us, his hearers to easily identify our struggles with his, building a perfect connection for political success.
- He is happily married (a family man). It is a common perception that a man who leads well his family is likely to lead well his people. Additionally, a family man is an inspiration to both the marrieds and those hoping to. According to Matt hubbard, having a family and making sure they are on board is a great tool for political success.
- He is famous. Before politics, Bobi was a famous musician already. When he joined politics, he just added followers to his already big number. While some of his early followers belonged to other political parties, it seems he made many change their political affiliations than leaving him. Additionally, some people still like to support and follow him around even when they don’t subscribe to his political ideologies.
- He is educated and yet not too educated. Apparently, studies have shown that, politically people don’t like and support those who very educated. According to Dean Burnett on the Guardian, even for the most educated and intelligent persons, you have to play it a ‘fool’ to be elected. Additional findings indicate that less educated people are very confident when it comes to convincing the public or selling off their promises! Indeed, in Uganda, we have seen highly intelligent, educated and experienced people fail. For example, Amama Mbabazi, Professor Baryamureba, and others couldn’t convincingly get big followers!
- He has been harassed and tortured by the ruling government. When the state harasses and tortures an opposition figure, the opposition automatically gets ‘sympathetic’ support. This happened during Besigye’s times, and it is happening now. Museveni’s torture and harassment of the opposition, especially Bobi Wine earns him (Bobi Wine) many more supporters.
- His message is unique and is about hope, the possibility of good life. People love positive vibes and Bobi Wine gives that to them. Bobi Wine is what Barack Obama was for Americans in 2008; someone who speaks and express hope. And people love this inspiration; that life is possible, that change is coming!
- He has not held political office before. Bobi Wine’s entry as an MP was his first political office. Having no past political history denies people of any bases for judgment. And the little time popped into parliament, he utilized those hot days to show the public that he was for them. This leaves many wondering, what if he can really be a good president?
- Lastly, he is physically cute or attractive. Bobi Wine’s attractiveness may not be his face, but his height. Studies show that physically attractive persons have increased chances to be elected. So, yeah, a percentage of those who follow him around is just about his physical appearance, the vigor, the enthusiasm, the voice, the height, the man he is!
What do you think? What is special about Bobi Wine? If you follow him or even plan to vote for him, what makes you like him? Share your views in the comments section below. God bless you