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At Hertz  Surveillance  Company , we are committed to providing top-notch camera installation services that enhance safety, security, and peace of mind. We believe in the power of visual surveillance to protect your property,

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Training youth in employable and business-oriented vocational skills. We create awareness and sensitization regarding the relevance of vocational skills and also avail the skills through our training workshops. You are welcome.

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The Problem Statement: The rural community of Mubende faces multiple challenges including limited economic opportunities for the Youth, environmental degradation, and insufficient access to sustainable livelihoods with most

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Tutorfinda App is a mobile and web application that enables people to easily find tutors (teachers) and educational materials to help them learn or assist them academically any time anywhere.

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Areg Agro Food works with communities to source for organic raw materials and manufacture organic diary products like milk, cheese, yoghurt, and others like jams, marmalades, and sources, availing food rich in nutrients and safe

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Tikkun Repairs comes to where you are (home or workplace) and repair your phone or computer in minutes on your watch. This saves you a lot of troubles whenever your phone or laptop needs repair. Hustling through town with

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GOBS (Go Back to School) Children's Foundation is a charity non profit foundation which helps to sponsor orphans and needy children, improving healthy from remote villages. Currently, the organization has focused on improving

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Ebenezer Empowerment Foundation (@ebenezerEF) is focusing on restoring hope for teenage mothers and unemployed youths and growing together through vocational skills training. Ebenezer Empowerment Foundation's mission is to

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The Midwives and Nurses Voice Uganda (M.A.N.V.U) is a nonprofit, nonreligious and nonpolitical organization which was formed by a group of committed and dedicated medical workers, nurses, midwives, doctors and nonmedical people

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Your home for best #Chicken at prices you have never heard of! Just order now and get it in minutes. We are #HafEm, your #ChickenPartner!

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