Change: Why You Should Not Be Anxious and Worried About It!
And even when i first paid for my accommodation, i had to change my landlords now and then. And I have noticed there is one thing that is common every time i am going through a change: Anxiety and feelings of uncomfort.
Yeah, it is never comfortable to change from your usual room to another, from your usual job to another, from your usual routine to something new, from your daily foods to new diet, from your work place to another place or change your friends or religion. It’s never that easy.
There is always anxiety, feelings of loss, failure, anger and disturbance every time that change is announced. Why? People fear what they don’t know-uncertainity!
Surprisingly, despite all the fear, anger, loss and discomfort i always felt when I was undergoing change, i have never regretted any change. Whether the change of rooms at school, the change of wards at work place, the change of landlords at my residence, it always turns out better and i end up being grateful to the changes.
That is a testimony.
At the beginning of every change, i would feel cheated and disturbed, and sometimes i would complain and fight back to own my former life, my usual room or work, but when it all failed, i would accept the change with bitterness. However, after two to 3 weeks, i would actually be grateful to God and the people who effected the change.
So what is the point?
The point is simple: No matter how hard, traumatizing, and very annoying the change you are undergoing seem to be, take it up, soon or later, you will realise that it was for your good. I know this is not easy to believe in especially when the change you are going through is openly painful, but it is true; the change is not there to destroy you but to build you.
You could be breaking up with your man, could be changing your workplace, school or job, could be experiencing a shift from diet A to diet B, and it all looks so annoying and disturbing, but you will soon realize that it is for your good that it all happened.
Of course, sometimes we change from better to worst, from good to bad! And so how does it happen? How come it doesn’t happen for our good? Attitude or our faith in the change.
ALSO READ THIS: all things work for the good of those who love God
Of course for the new change to bring better results, it is upon the individual to work on his mindset and attitude and then try to isolate or identify good things happening with the new change. This is not direct, let me make it clear; Change, I mean every change works for the good of those (only) who love God! This is a serious comments and you need to read the details here now.
For example, if you have changed your job from working monday to friday and you are now working in weekend, you may decide to find some more work to do in your week days. If you have been changed from room 1 to room 2, there must be something possible to be done in room 2 that was not possible in room 1, find out what it is and do it.
Yeah, every new situation, every new friend, every new job or assignment has something better and different to offer, find out what it is and exploit it. That is how change is utilized.
And yet i emphasize, you can’t figure it out unless God gives it to you. For this reason, you need to give the change to God and ask Him bless you through it. In other words, ask God to help you see and find life in whatever change or situation you are going through. First of all, the change is under God’s control and, secondly, it’s for your good (Romans 8:28).
Sometimes, what to do with the new change will not be clear, especially at the beginning, take it easy and wait on your God and self, and you will soon figure out what best fits the new environment, the new job or the new friend. We end this by citing Joy Petty’s cited quote; “there is no such thing as a bad weather, what counts is the type of clothes we put on”.
As long as we know what suits a sunny or a rainy day, then we are safe.
The Complete You Ministry
God Bless You