Dealing with feelings of unworthiness
Someone abused you and said you were of no use, and oh maybe, many have undermined you and finally made you feel like you matter to no one. Sometimes, it is not a belief only, it might have happened to you even: You got sick and nobody knocked on your door; you got troubles and no friends surrounded you. Yes, you could be living in total depravity but nobody minds, and the more they hurt you, oh I am meaning, the more we hurt you, the more you still feel valueless and withdraw into yourself and daily invite death to visit your home in vain.
And so you live in misery and Isolation and have lost even the touch of your loving God. Yes, after all people who represent him on this earth no longer love you. But what If there was a way to turn that around? What If there was a medicine to now make people like you and admire to be closer to you?
Yes, I mean what if there is a sure way to escape that misery and torture and start living under favor? Would you not take it with pleasure? I am feeling that your answer is a big YES and yes you can. Read on
Feelings of unworthiness and low self esteem are the most terrible things that we should guard our lives against. And the answer to all is thinking back, yes thinking about God’s love for you. Take a seat outside on your veranda, sit and look into the beautiful scenery you could afford around you, and ponder about your life and answer this question; Really, have you been there for yourself only or somehow someone helped you some days of your life? Were you born like that, with people detesting you and avoiding you? I suppose your answer be No, but even if it is yes, there is still a chance for you.
I would love you to know that you matter to God as anyone else around you. Our God loves us all despite who we are or what we do. However, our own thoughts and feelings of him (our own perception of who God is and what He can do for us) determine what we get from him. In other words, start taking God as your friend, parent and lover who will love you even when no one else does. Consider this; God created you in His image and has been your shepherd all these years. Even though times were not friendly at times, still you did not die. And He died on the cross for you and my freedom. And believe me, God cannot have died for a ‘nobody’ man; you and I mean a lot to Him. He loves us so much. And you know what! Some people love you still.
When you finish counting your value and worthiness before God, identify your value to people as well. Sometimes, people run away from us because we have undermined ourselves so low that we feel we need people but they do not need us. This is a terrible lie. Dear brother and sister, people need your help, your comforting words, your wisdom and your company. Start looking out of yourself and see other people’s needs and help them the best way you can.
Since you think you are so poor or so unwanted, you could start by giving non material virtues like love, compassion, smile, touching and comforting stories to others. Identify struggling people near you and tell them, it will be okay or just listen to them narrate their miseries to you. Visit the sick person who never greets you and say, God is great and can heal; tell them hope and faith in God. Yes, people, all of us love to be near those who are not only dependent but can give us in return. And believe me; every one of us has something to give.
And lastly, start the journey of investing in YOU. Yes, people undermine your qualifications, add more if possible. If people undermine your beauty, take time for your body and soul; care for your body and soul. If people disregard your financial status, work hard and accumulate more wealth. And if people undermine your life, make it count. Truly, this is the last stage of dealing with feelings of rejection and unworthiness because our self esteem, confidence and value usually have to start from our hearts, from our deep values that define what life truly is.
Our failures to value ourselves from inside cannot be healed by going for further studies, making more money, or working out our body beauty. But when our inside is done, a good physical and material looking is paramount too if God wills. Yes, we cannot take this point for granted. It is because of haters who keep undermining us that we keep progressing. And yes, there is some kind of value even in material possessions, make a success in some.
What is our point today and now? Feelings of unworthiness and rejection are terrible not only to your physical body which wears away in depression and stress, but also to your spiritual world as curses, hate, jealousy, ungratefulness, and sinful thoughts feast on your soul, and we all suffer this or we will at one point in time. For this matter, taking steps to deal with it is a better thing to do and starting from now.
Start by reaffirming that God loves you so much no matter what and that nothing done, thought of or even spoken by you can minimize his unconditional love for you though your attitude towards this unconditional love can ultimately affect your favors and blessings from Him. Next, start looking out of yourself and look into others; identifying whose needs you can meet, and be on that way of being a resourceful or helpful person to others.
Remember, there are so many people somewhere who really need your help in terms of wisdom and counseling, encouragements, prayers, warmly visits and greetings, comfort and friendship, and a daily smile plus materialistic help you could afford. And lastly, invest in yourself to become better person both in material possessions, wisdom and spiritual growth. Yes, when we invest in ourselves and become better, people admire us and by the way that is how we admire others too.
If you have not yet received Christ Jesus as your personal Savior to help you in this crazy life and build you up for even the next eternal life, today is your day dear brother and sister. Repeat this prayer after me, “Lord Jesus, I am so much happy to meet you today. I have suffered and struggled to live for myself alone, but I am tired and I have sinned a lot along this way. I kindly ask you to take me in today and make me your holy child. Yes, I want to be there for your service Lord from today onwards. Save me and make me find true living in you alone. Thanks Jesus. Amen”. If you have finished praying, we believe you are now saved and Jesus will never abandon you. Find a good church near you and be part of their congregation.
The Complete You Ministry,