Ignite Talks of MWF 2023 at Lehigh University: The Necessity of Empowerment for Action.
Ignite Talks are kind of inspirational talks or presentations that combine a person’s passions and what he or she is doing with those passions. The easiest way to understand them is to consider them as Ted Talks, which are usually both educative and inspirational.
And the ridiculous way to define Ignite Talks is to really take it to the Wikipedia’s definition, which is actually a copy of Todd Bishop‘s thoughts at Geek Wire. They define Ignite Talks as ‘a series of events where speakers have five minutes to talk on a subject accompanied by 20 slides, for 15 seconds each, automatically advanced’, isn’t this ridiculous? Is it about the technicality or the content and intent? Anyway, we won’t finish this war; let us move on.

Ignite Talks: What really happened?
Ignite Talks are simply a part of the huge leadership and entrepreneurship program prepared by IREX and MWF host institutes. In my case, my host institute is Lehigh University, one of the greatest universities in the US. On our Mandela Washington Fellowship Agenda, Ignite talks were scheduled for 10th July 2023. As such, Monday 10th July 2023 was a day for the talks and one of our busiest days here at the institute.
Vicent’s (Nemvicx) Ignite Talk: Empowerment is critical for action!
What is empowerment? Most literature define empowerment as power or authority (or granting power or authority) to do or be something.
While the above definition is true, it is short and not convincing! In public health, we take ’empowerment’ much more serious! In fact, according to Sherry R. (1969), Pretty (1994), and Hart (1997), in their exploration of ladder of participation in socioeconomic development, there is no such thing as community participation if there is no empowerment.
So, empowerment is more than just provision of resources and power; it is also about change of mindset so that people can actually realize and use the available resources and power. Did you get that?
I am redefining empowerment as ‘the process of proving resources and power and waking up people’s mind to the abundance of these resources so they can take control of the circumstances of their life.’ This is the argument I presented during the IGNITE TALKS!
Based on the 1536 book (Institutes of the Christian Religion) by the famous theologian John Calvin, especially his concept of total depravity, and the writings of the Brazilian scholar and educator, Paulo Freire, especially his concept of conscientization (read more here), I argued that there is need to intentionally wake up people’s consciousness to the vast resources and opportunities available for socioeconomic development.
Recalling my own history, especially the fact that someone in my family thought it relevant to register me for school when I couldn’t figure that out myself, pointed me to arguing that there is need for external assistance, especially for those who are still asleep, stuck in darkness of ignorance and poor mindset. The goal of this external assistance should be to empower, wake up, and startle people to action.
As I ended the talk, I showcased Miklah Life entrepreneurship and leadership program as a right program for this purpose. As an innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership hub and resorce center, Miklah Life not only provides tools for socioeconomic development but also startles young people’s minds, pointing them to the hope and possibility of changing their own situations through innovative and sustainable entrepreneurship.
That was it!