Has evil increased or it’s our awareness of it that has? Help me with evidence!

In this article, i won’t share any evidences but shall simply write the hypothesis and leave it to you, to us all to find out the evidence. In my layman argument, i have asserted that most of the evil we see now has always been there. You can as well, argue it out. Just let us share evidences in our comments! Thank you.
Do you think our society is more violent than before? Do you think we are sinning more than the people in the past? Don’t you think that most of the diseases, the community betrayals and conspiracies have been there ever since the creation? There is a theory I came across during the study of non-communicable diseases and violence: they have all been there since creation but we are just having increased awareness of their presence in these days. This is partly due to improved diagnostic measures, science and public health.
This means that most of the evil we see as new or increasing in our days might have been there in the past in the same amount or even worst but people were not aware of them. Is this true?
I have tried to think of this theory in our spiritual world and societal peaceful living. You see, practices like homosexuality, joining Illuminati, sexual workers and pornography are among the new sins according to our community judgments, but the question is, ‘didn’t these things happen in the past’? Don’t we remember the homosexuals of Gomorrah and Sodom? How about sex workers? Don’t you remember the woman who cleaned Jesus using her hair? How about pornography? Don’t you remember the acts of Babylonians and other non-Jewish nations that could openly sleep or rape women in the open? What sin is new that has not been part of human race?
Talking about diseases, they have always been here with us but we did not know. Most of them would be thought of as witchcraft but they were diseases. About violence, ever since the time of Cain and Abel, there has always been violence in people. People have murdered each other throughout histories; brothers have betrayed their brothers and parents sold their children.
Everything we call evil or that we have just realized has always been there.
But there is some increase!
Yes! Since our populations increased and biodiversity too, our acts, our sins followed the trend but this may not mean they increased or became worse. Thus considering the context of now and of the past, then we could even be doing better than we think.
Civilization and science accounting for the increase!
Due to civilization and improved science, most of what was known as normal in the past has been diagnosed and seen as evil, disease or violence. Yeah, that is the answer; what was normal in the past looks abnormal now because of of the change in contexts or civilization.
I was looking at the trends of HIV, when the prevalence is high, it may mean that people are aware of the values of testing and thus national registers capture them. Also, it may mean that they are taking ARVs and thus living longer. So the increase in prevalence may actually mean the best thing happening in the country. Don’t you think it is the same explanation for what seems to us that our world is getting worse in terms of morality and living together ethics? What if it is because we are seeing more of it than we used to see it in the past?
What is the point? Please, investigate into my insight?
If my thinking is true, then we need to have and maintain HOPE in our world, we are getting better day by day. With this new hope of cleanliness and righteousness, then we can believe in good and ultimately achieve it.
What do you think? Is the world getting worse in terms of morality? How about diseases? Do we have many more and dangerous ones than in the past or it is because we have been able to diagnose those that already existed? Show evidence!
Thank You