

The Economy of Debts and Interests; None is Safe, Not Even You!

Miklah Blog

The Economy of Debts and Interests; None is Safe, Not Even You!


Everywhere you turn to, everyone you ask, you will see all signs and symptoms of debts and terrible interests squeezing true living out of us. Everyone has a debt and everyone is paying interest on the debt or loan. As economy hardens, we fail to clear the debts and interests. And as the interest fails many, the debts accumulate, hence accumulating the interest rate even more. People have no life deep down here. We are all choking!

Go to company X and ask for workers who don’t have loans to put up their hands, you may not have even one! And if you do get some, they virtually have nothing; no food, no good accommodation, no car, no school fees for kids, no nothing. And those you see with some life; with a car, a better accommodation, clean clothes, food to eat, school fees for children, are actually servicing loans somewhere. Bottom line, those without loans and debts and those with them are living almost same life; hell, on earth!

Of course, there are exceptions. We will discuss these later!

The economists can deceive you that the economy is growing, that our GDP has risen, that we actually export more than we used to, and thus people’s lives have improved, but all that is a lie! There can be economic growth and improved GDP and exports without necessarily improving people’s lives. People down here are hustling!

Even a woman who is selling food on the street, tomatoes in market, or bananas near you has loans! Don’t be surprised to learn that actually even that small business you see her doing is on loan and actually pays interests every week or month! How about taxes? The government is almost taxing us for being alive; she actually does! I hope you came across the weird developments of URA (Uganda Revenue Authority) whereby there was a plan to license and tax women who have been doing stone quarrying and sand mining for survival.

Go to a town near you and make a friendly study and determine how many of those shops are actually owned by the people you find there? They are few! Everyone is working for someone and serving a debt plus its interest! You may see a shop full of TVs and yet the shop attendant owns none; most of these shop keepers go and buy (on debt) in bulk and promise to pay back the capital with some profits or simply buy expecting to make profits.

Bottom line: everyone is demanding some extra from someone and is also being demanded to pay extra by someone or the bank.

The desperate solutions

Entrepreneurs and economists out here are hustling, teaching us how to make money, overcome debts, do savings, and fight our way through, thank them for this, but I am sorry to tell you that it is not an answer; it is a temporary fix that simply shifts the problem from today to tomorrow (and by tomorrow, it will even be heavier) and from one struggling person to another, from one struggling company to the next! They are simply teaching us how to compete among ourselves and eat each other. In capitalism, to win best is to make others lose!

Modern entrepreneurship and economy are being managed temporarily through the control and exploitation of the poor, the weak, and the unlucky ones for the benefit of the rich and strong.

Do you remember my opening paragraph? If you are actually having life and you don’t have loans and interests to service, then you have simply succeeded at making others lose! That is harsh, isn’t it? Sorry about that; we shall come back to it later.

Who told you that the gap between the wealthy and poor can be closed? Who told you that there is a time when there shall not be victims of the situation? Who told you that we shall ever pay our debts and their interests to completion? It shall never happen, unless there is fundamental change in our system, a complete paradigm shift, a completely new concept of money.

Listen, these economic teachings are all bullshit. These speeches of entrepreneurs asking us to look more into people and see gaps we can cover and create businesses are all lies. These moves of the government taxing everything and everyone to boost economy are all desperate measures. These modern-day propagandas of globalization and growing crops or producing products for export and not just abundant for home use are all temporary solutions, not solutions but just covers! These current songs of foreign investment and foreign exchange are all devilish tools that the current money or economic system uses to destroy us even more. The landmine we stepped on is going nowhere minus taking our lives.

We can shift the economic burden from person to person, company to company, from generations to generations, but someone somewhere has to be a victim, has to lose life and blood to the money or economic machine.

The current suggestions are simply tricks for us to cheat, trick, steal, exploit, manipulate, blackmail, enslave others (the weak, the poor, the misery, the unlearned; those who have not mastered the game) among ourselves so we can breathe for a moment, and not true fixers of the current agony. We are in a game of money and economics, and every time we (I mean you) win, someone somewhere has lost. Do you get this? Let me illustrate it now.

The Current money economy: Survival for the fittest!

Assume 10 people go to the bank to get a loan of 2 million each and the bank allows to give the loan of 2 million to each and commands them or expects from each one of these clients to pay 2.2 million at the end of the year, where and how do you think each one of these clients will get the extra 200,000 to pay the bank in addition to 2 million at the end of the year?

In the above scenario, the bank is ultimately asking these 10 clients to open up serious competition among themselves and the most hardworking, tactical, skillful, innovative, tricky, and better at convincing or bargaining, exploiting, manipulating, blackmailing his fellows shall survive, get back the capital plus the interest and even some personal profit (this is survival for the fittest!).

Generally, the open message is simply this; go and work hard, pay back the bank plus the interest and work out some profits for yourself so you don’t need a bank loan again on your next investment. But what actually the message is looks like this; go and fight your fellows and if you can kill them or in any way steal their own 2 million, you shall have won! It is an indirect way of setting humans against each other for survival; you either kill your fellows and survive or you get killed and they survive, your choice!

All efforts of entrepreneurs and businesses and investments and all innovative ways of producing goods and services for money are simply the indirect ways of killing, murdering, lying, exploiting, manipulating, exploiting, enslaving, blackmailing, and tricking others so we can survive. It is a crime we cannot abstain from, unless we put our lives at stake. And all because of what? Money and its interest, money and love of it!


Can’t we win while others win too?



Is there a way out of the above mess? Yes, it is! And you wonder; surely, what can save us from these chains! Is it a money-less economy? Is it a gift economy? Is it barter trade? Is it sacred economics? Is it interest-less money economy? Is it change of governments? Is it the change of governor of our central banks? What exactly can save us from this evil system that we created with our hands and yet seems uncontrollable by us?

Currently, I have no specific answer or remedy to the agony we are all facing but we believe there is a way, a combination of different principles.

Also, it is important to note that the problem of our modern day economic system has been in discussion for many decades and some great scholars, economists, anthropologists, theologians, philosophers, philanthropists, and many other great people with great hearts have designed and successfully tested methods and practical principles that can help us as humanity and save our earth as our home (I shall find enough time to share helpful scholars and resources).

The question is; do you have the courage to embrace the change? Are we willing to pay the price? It is not easy but God shall take care of us. It is for this cause that we @ MIKLAH launched up #SacredEntrepreneurship. And SWAPafrica

But maybe there are thousands other ways we can help ourselves live life beyond money, property, and power of debts and interests, do you have any idea? Let us discuss; thecompletey@gmail.com, call/whatsapp 0779342057
God bless you

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