20 Volunteers Needed: It’s Easy to Apply!
Deadline: 29/11/2019, Apply by sending us a message

We have talked about Miklah (formerly ‘The Complete You Ministry’) for long and we have a good guess that you already know about us. However, in case you really don’t know what we are up to, let us clear that out; Miklah is a technology-driven Christian-based not-for-profit company that is championing government, Africa, and the world’s efforts to harness demographic dividend through our practical education, health, entrepreneurship, mentorship and SWAPafrica services.
According to Uganda national policies (for example, NDP II and Vision 2040), AU’s ‘The Africa We Want’ of 2063 and the UN Global agenda of 2030, young people constitute significant portions of nations’ populations and leaving them behind in any form of development is dangerous, not only to them, but to everyone else.
In Uganda, more than 78% and 52% of the country’s population are below 30 and 15 years respectively. These young people have issues in important sectors of education, health, governance, entrepreneurship and general life growth and development. If these young people are to be transformed into fully active and participating citizens leading Uganda Vision 2040 and general global socioeconomic transformation, solutions need to be designed and address young people’s major challenges.
Miklah champions government and global efforts to harness demographic dividend through our disruptive, innovative and sustainable initiatives: life and health, sacred entrepreneurship, SWAPafrica, Yapheh Salons and the biggest blog in town, www.miklahlife.com. For more about young people’s challenges and how our solutions address them, read this.
We need 20 Volunteers! Apply Now

Currently, Miklah is looking for passionate, educated, skilled, and disciplined young Ugandans to push forward our mission of seeing all young people practically get empowered and enabled to lead the local and global socioeconomic transformation. Specifically, we need 20 volunteers for our current 4 initiatives; Life and Health, Sacred Entrepreneurship, SWAPafrica, and Yapheh Salons. Below is a summary:
1. SWAPafrica. This is our online platform that enables people to do swapping, sharing and lending out of resources (goods, skills and services) without using money. It is a web and mobile based barter trade. We need volunteers for marketing, accounting, graphics designing and much more.
2. Life and Health. This is our center for comprehensive sexuality education. Here, we provide sexuality education to young people based on Uganda’s national sexuality education framework. Passion for reading and writing health related content is relevant here.
3. Sacred Entrepreneurship. This our center that focuses on sustainable development goals. We teach young people to start businesses that address sustainable development goals and also help businesses to incorporate sustainable development goals into their businesses. The applicant must be passionate about SDGs, Uganda Vision 2040 and African vision of 2063. He must be a good reader of various developments in the entrepreneurship world, especially those related to SDGs and related business innovations. A qualification in Business administration, commerce, economics, entrepreneurship, accounts or any business related field is an added advantage.
4. Yapheh Salons. This business is under development and we can’t disclose information yet. Volunteers working on it are gonna sign a non-disclosure agreement. It is our latest innovation.
We need these skills: public speakers, WordPress developers or users, graphic designers, digital marketing, social media marketing, accountants, business graduates, sales and marketing, and much more. Just write to us and let us know what you can do.
- Your first general duty is to study or learn deeply anything about your area of service and to write great, well-punctuated articles on the website (if you can write but can’t enter your writings into the site, don’t mind).
- The second general duty is to transform your learning, studies and writings into actionable projects and presentations that we will be delivering to young people at schools, in communities and online. At Miklah, you will be involved in talking and presenting to others often, get ready for that.
- The third duty is to innovate, create, and think about new ways to enhance your area of service
- To be cooperative, respectful and flexible to the changes necessary for Miklah’s progress on our mission.
Your station is in Kampala though the delivery of programs shall happen anywhere in the country. However, delivery in other districts other than Kampala shall need considerate planning that shall be flexible to volunteers’ needs and constraints.
Miklah is a non-profit organization that is still in its beginning stages and thus no formal salaries shall be availed. However, all recruited staff who are passionate to move forward with us shall have some monetary facilitation whenever we have paying projects or clients. Besides, when businesses get steady, we might begin monthly payments.
Send in your message telling us why you think it is a great thing to work with us. Also, in email message, tell us the initiative you are interested in. Please, share anything else that you think can add credibility to your application. Send to: thecompletey@gmail.com or directly here and now
Deadline: 29/11/2019
For any questions or inquiries, send your question to the same email or whatsapp: 0779342057
Important links