Your Motivation: Revise Your Identity And Demand What You Deserve.
Today is the day you could revise who you really are and what you deserve.
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True identity: true inheritance |
You are a son of God and you deserve the best. You see, at times and at some point in life, we are deceived into seeing ourselves from our family’s point of view or even that of our education, beauty or friends, and in most cases we under-grade ourselves basing on these parameters. But the truth is that you are totally different from your family, education, religion, culture, physical beauty and or friends; you are a child of the most high God.
The truth is that the world is going to provide for us basing on our expectations.
You see, when you apply for a job, you are asked, “what are your expectations in terms of Salary?”
And believe me, most people talk of less pay because they think the employer will chase them out or have sympathy for them. Yeah, this is our daily perception, but does it work? I think we need to know our value and that we can accomplish even more than we are hired for and then state our price (the employer is likely going to discuss with you and ask you to reduce the price if he still sees value in you though he has no much to pay the price).
And one way of easily measuring your value and how far you can go is looking at your true real origin or your true identity [tweet this].; your father in heaven.
For those who read my writings, we have ever agreed that we can get more out of God by understanding or Knowing Him more. The more we know about God, the greater we ask and expect from him and it is done. This same principle applies here: When we value ourselves and learn to identify ourselves with our mighty God and not our weak families, friends or exam scores, we move our expectations to another level. And God, through all his means and laws of nature will always serve us according to how we expect Him to do so (the law of attraction works).
We are God’s children;our father is mighty, lovely and the owner of all that surrounds us. He is everything. Realizing that puts us in the position of just listing what we need and placing in the order. Believe me, it will certainly be delivered someday.
So start thinking big and clearly. I know you may be having hard times now; maybe you even do not have lunch for today or money for Panadol and you wonder how you can think of being so big! Yes, the answer for you is there is always a way. And after rain, there is always sunshine; You too can shine again.
In the article, do not crush your life in obedience to your plan, we agreed that sometimes we have to change our plans to even weakest ones as we wait for the big cause. The point is not to give up on your dream or expectation even when the current direction seems to be taking you somewhere else. Small daily plans and achievements are all a package of pushing us to our greater good.
Even with the hunger that we suffer today, the abuse we have now, the sicknesses that torture us at night, we can still achieve our greatness for all of these are part of the plan or path to our greatness. With a good positive attitude and a heart waiting on God to do what we asked, we will surely have a way out (God works through everything to bring happiness to those who love and trust him).
So dear brother and sister, i do not know exactly the hell of troubles you are getting through, the kind of business you are doing now, the weakness of your family or university results, but i know our God, our laws of nature that run our world, will surely serve you some day of all that you deserve. And i think you need to realise that too and start demanding for it. And yes, you deserve it not because you are better or good (nobody is) but because Christ lives and lives for you.
So avoid people who abuse you today; do not accept that you are cheap, stop your employer from undermining your work either physically or in your heart, and believe in your greatness from above.
Once again, we are God’s children; almost angels. The Bible says we are gods and there is literally nothing we cannot do or have. Increase YOUR expectations, demand more, and make the most out of life.
God bless you
You may need to read this very related article; The Application Of Action Reward Philosophy. But then, What is Action Reward Philosophy?
The Complete You Ministry,
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