Life Goals: What are you doing to be that which you wanna be? See this!
Life Goals: During primary education, I remember, the teacher would ask us, children, what do you wanna be in life? I remember popping out and proudly saying, an engineer! But that wasn’t bad, was it? We were young. And all we needed was motivation, a wish to be something!
Sadly, most people enter adulthood with this kind of wishful thinking as well. There are things we wanna be, life we wanna live, life goals we wanna achieve, but, to many of us, it’s just a dream; wishful thinking!
What do we wanna be? Life Purpose and Life Goals!

Wait! Do we even know what we wanna be? Have you already envisioned the kind of man you wanna be? Have you truly figured out the kind of business you wanna build? How about relationships? Which family, marriage, relationships do you envision or wish for yourself? Have you figured that out yet?
Which career do you wanna pursue? Which religion do you wanna celebrate? Which God or god do you wanna serve? Exactly, what do you wanna be, the whole of you? Pause, and think about that!
Your answer to the above question isn’t your goals. It is also not your mission. It is not your objectives or the activities you wanna do!
The answer to the question ‘what do I wanna be’ isn’t about small, measurable, and short-term goals, but PURPOSE! In other words, what is your purpose? What do you wanna live for? Once you have figured out your purpose, the sole reason for your life, figuring out your mission, goals, and everyday small objectives and activities becomes a lot easier.
So where do we start from?
Step 1: What is your life purpose? It’s not the same as your life goals!
We have a four or five part series on #LifePurpose. So far, we have done the first two episodes. In the first episode, we define the words ‘life purpose’, and in the second episode, we explore what scientists or elites or psychologists say is our life purpose. You could familiarize yourself with these inspirations by watching their videos (video 1 and Video 2) or read their articles (here and here). First, define what your life purpose is, please.
Step 2: What mission, Life goals, objectives, and activities Am I doing to live my life purpose?
Well, even after discovering life purpose, it takes courage and a bit of wisdom to understand how to live it. However, based on how you discovered your life purpose, it can be quiet easy to discover how to live it. For example, if my life purpose, just as psychological scientists say, is to help others by doing good (altruism), then my mission is likely to start a good-doing foundation or charity and be an excellent center of help, of goodness!
When your life purpose and mission are clear, then formulating measurable goals, objectives, and activities becomes much easier.
Step 3: What am I doing to achieve my life goals and life purpose?
If you already know your life purpose, mission, and goals, the important question is, what are you doing to achieve that life? Are you still in wishful thinking or you are having your hands and feet in dirt, doing the work?
Remember, wishful thinking doesn’t work! Listen to what Psychologist Jonathan Alpert says about this time-wasting behavior:
“Wishful thinking is usually an outgrowth of a fear. People don’t resort to wishful thinking because it works. They resort to wishful thinking because it allows them to avoid confronting their fear. Wishful thinking allows you to avoid discomfort, stress, change, anxiety and pressure.”
In other words, wishful thinking is a sign that you aren’t practically doing anything to become that which you wanna be. It means you are hiding, sleeping, and wishing that all will be good! The psychologist continues:
“People resort to prayer, wishful thinking, and magical thinking when they are afraid of bad outcomes. For instance, they avoid the doctor out of fear, and pray for good health instead. They refuse to open their credit card bills out of fear, and they wish for wealth instead. They do not approach people they would like to date, but they attempt to mentally manifest their perfect mate by wishing for him, cleaning out a closet for him, and imagining him. They are fearful they won’t be a success, so they resort to wishing for success instead of actually doing the work to become a success. Naturally, in the face of fear, it’s easier to think about fantasy than to think about reality.”
Wait! Prayers work! But there are wrong ways of praying!
Take home: To live your life purpose, you need life goals. And to achieve life goals, you need clear objectives and daily small activities. So, what small activities or objectives are you actively working on to achieve life goals, and live your life purpose? Avoid wishful thinking. Start working on your goals. Remember, it does not matter how small your steps are, just be sure you are on the right path, to your life purpose!
Break your life purpose, mission, and big goals into small bits of objectives or even activities, and do one at a time. As long as you are doing a thing towards your grand vision, it is rewarding! For example, does you grand future include you owning a business, starting up a church, becoming a mother, driving a car, buying a smart phone? Whatever you wanna achieve in the near or far or eternal future, what small things are you currently doing towards that?
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