Jeremiah chapter 46: Punished fairly but not destroyed completely, I can be restored. April 16, 2015 7 mins read
Jeremiah chapter 45: Even great servants of God can get distressed but God restores those who wait on Him. “Come with your burdens and I will release you” April 13, 2015 5 mins read
Jeremiah chapter 44: It is your duty to help your partner live a godly life. April 13, 2015 5 mins read
The lesson i learned via hard way: For every generation, there will always be victims or losers, just try to be on the other side April 8, 2015 2 mins read
Jeremiah chapter 43: The only secure and most beautiful place is where God wants us to be. April 8, 2015 5 mins read
Jeremiah chapter 42: Making the most of God’s counsel or His word’s interpretation April 8, 2015 3 mins read
My Easter’s message: Can our daily sins rob us heaven?. Salvation can only be taken away by that which offers it. So what makes you get saved? April 5, 2015 3 mins read
Jeremiah chapter 40: Success is just where you are and what is in you, do not move. April 3, 2015 3 mins read