2016 Valentine’s Day Message: I am grateful to YOU, the reason for my valentine’s celebrations! February 14, 2016 2 mins read
Prices and quality, a misleading guide in shopping and business choices November 22, 2015 3 mins read
JEREMIAH CHAPTER 49 Part 4 (Verses 28-33): No matter what or how self-satisfying we could, we all need God and other people. November 22, 2015 6 mins read
JEREMIAH CHAPTER 49 PART 3 (Verses 23-27): Always be slow to get involved when a parent is dealing with his child, you may get hurt. Damascus missed the lesson. November 22, 2015 5 mins read
JEREMIAH CHAPTER 49 PART 2 (49:7-22): Is there no more wisdom among people? What happened to the wise men’s counsel of our generations? Has EDOM lost her wisdom? November 22, 2015 7 mins read