Our Common History at Lehigh University, Iacocca Institute, MWF 2023: A Write-up by Sansan K. & Shalom G.
‘Our Common History at Lehigh University‘ is a write-up by Mandela Washington Fellows at Lehigh University, Iacocca Institute, US, which reflected the possible synergy and strength of cooperation and collaboration among Africans as they strive for a brighter future.
Given the fact that the write-up builds on the talents and contributions of each of the MWF fellows at the institute, we are offered the rights to own it and share it to as many people in our networks as possible. However, the original author and editor of the write-up are ‘credited’ at the end. Enoy this inspiration:
Our Common History as MWF Cohort 2023, Lehigh University

“In June 2023, I met an amazing lady named Sandra Boakye from #Ghana at the beginning of my 6 weeks Fellowship at Lehigh University.
During our conversation, she told me about her work advocating for a #women’s cause, specifically, school girl’s menstrual health.
She explained further by mentioning that one of the pragmatic ways to achieve her goal is to bring assistance and awareness by means of education.
Before she mentioned the word #education, we were joined in our conversation by two passionate people: Reine Alexandra ABO from #BurkinaFaso and Morrison Terwon Morris from #Liberia.
Their #passion and commitment to revolutionize education in #Africa earned them a spot on this prestigious program. As young people, we were all asking the same question “what can we do for the youth in Africa?”
“Don’t worry we will empower young people to create sustainable businesses in Africa,” said a group of four young open-minded leaders.
“Who are you?” I asked.
Atem Dau Majok Ajak from South #SouthSudan, the youngest nation in the World, Joseph Semafara from #Rwanda, Ida Na-Tei from #Ghana and Diack Doumbia from #Mali.
“One of the many ways to capacitate young people is by training them about Business, #Leadership and Innovation to meet our growing African #challenges.”
“That is right, I am a living testimony of the power of innovation. I own a skin care company named Coco Natural,” added Comfort M Baindah from #Liberia.
“I want to set up an incubator in my Country for the young people I have been training in Leadership,” said Eunice Ngure from #Kenya.

When we were thinking about the feasibility of our projects, we were joined by a calm and strategic thinker, Lionel KABEYA from #DRC. His knowledge about working for the Chamber of Commerce is useful in understanding how to engage and include African youth in projects.
However, many questions still linger though, for example: “who will write all proposals for us to gain clarity, secure funding and stay focused?” At that very moment, we were joined by Nemeyimana Nemvicx Vicent, RN, MPH-PRH from #Uganda, a tireless writer.
Furthermore, to build the capacity of the young people, you need the right skills and capacity to deliver effective training and Maitumelo France from #Botswana, the International Labour Organization Certified Master trainer, can train us and certify us.
“How can we access the training since we are from different Countries?” Well, the self-proclaimed African queen of Digital technology is right here, Tlamelo Melemo, MBA from #Botswana, alongside creative tech brains #IssaMelchiorSAIZONOU from #Benin and Gabriel Ogunsua from #Nigeria.
Their combined knowledge of digital systems will be crucial in the achievement of our work.
All this needs money, so where can we get finance?
Send a plane to #Zambia and
#SouthAfrica to bring us Brenda Mawele Nsama and Hardlife Muhamba .
Their understanding of raising capital and credit for projects will help us secure funding. Here they are.
Thankfully, we do not need to fear mismanagement of funds because TheFinanceWiz, Shalom Govero Govero from #Zimbabwe will help us set up effective Financial Management systems for our Companies and projects.
How can the Businesses grow?
Let’s call the Business Development Expert Semaria Kebede from #Ethiopia. She has incredible experience in starting a business from scratch to scale up phase.
“How can we then advertise our brands and ensure efficient and effective communication?” Then I saw a guy with funky hair and a big smile, he answered: “My name is Marvellous Nyongoro (PMI -PMP®) from #Zimbabwe. I am here with Dior Birima from #Senegal. Don’t worry. We will take care of your advertising and social media needs. Just make sure there is food to taste. Also, when you travel from South Africa to Cairo, I can make sure you get good hotel deals. As for your business events and communication, Dior can manage it from start to finish.”
As we work with various customers, we care about their emotional and physical health. I think #DrAlexandrinaHifewa from #Angola can help us to structure a wellness program, even for our staff members.
As we consider work across countries, we need an expert on international law and trade policies to facilitate our trade and business. I know a fantastic lawyer who is an international #Mootcourt Coach, Nqobile Dube from
#Zimbabwe. He has never lost a case.
With all these spaces at Lehigh University, we are inspired to build functional facilities and modern hubs back in Africa.

Luckily, we have a real estate expert here, Juvenal Ludovic GUENEKEAN from #CentralAfricaRepublic.
Now, we are from different language backgrounds, and we may have challenges with international relations, right? Don’t worry, that’s where I come in. If you need translation of any document or assistance to manage your businesses in different countries from one place, I am here. My name is SANSAN KAMBIRE from #Côted’Ivoire #not #IvoryCoast.
Dear fellows, at the end of the #SixWeeks of Mandela Washington Fellowship at #LehighUniversity, we hope this makes you see the role of our stories, passions and expertise in building our shared and brighter future as African Youth.
Therefore, it is through true collaboration that together we will go further than we have ever imagined. So let’s build together from now onwards!”
An excerpt from ” Our Common History at Lehigh University, Iacocca Institute in 2023“
Written by: SANSAN KAMBIRE from #Cotedivoire
Development Editing: Shalom Govero from #Zimbabwe