3 of God’s Attributes that Make You Victorious and Stay Faithful!
Reflecting on God’s attributes can be a life-saver even in worst situations. Sadly, we don’t always do that! Whenever we are in trouble, big trouble, our minds and heart race through all possible escape options! When the solution is quick and easy, well, it is easy to remain hopeful, faithful, and emerge victorious. However, when the challenge is scary and the way out isn’t visible, we are at risk of ‘denying’ God and dying!
In such times, calmly pondering on God’s attributes can really help us stay faithful, hopeful, and emerge out victorious. In this short article, I share 3 of God’s attributes that could be of help when surrounded by nothing but trouble!
NB: God’s attributes are many and equally important for one attribute can’t be served over the other! Our concentration on only 3 shouldn’t make you think they are the most important ones! THANK YOU
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The 3 God’s attributes that can strengthen you!
- God is Good or Light or Righteous
In the book of 1 John 1:5, we are told that God is good, pure, and no darkness in Him! The Psalmist says that ‘Good and Upright is the Lord’ (Psalm 25:8). In other words, God is good and all He does are good! An article at David Jeremiah’s ministry has 23 verses about God’s goodness! You can read them.
Well, to our eyes, God does some ‘bad’ things, right? Well, He destroys people and things, brings diseases and wars, causes hunger, and suffering. Aren’t these things bad? Yeah, they are ‘technically’ bad! Additionally, in Isaiah 45:7, God reports himself; ‘I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things’. In Exodus 12:12, God himself brings death to Egypt’s first born and, in 2 Kings 22:20, God confesses bringing evil! Indeed, from our simple understanding of God, nothing can happen without God’s approval or ‘enabling’
However, inherently, what we call evil or bad could actually be good! Maybe we need to work on our definition of Good! I think a thing is good if it rhythms with God’s will or purpose. And a thing is bad if it contradicts God’s purpose! Therefore, all things (good and bad) happening for God’s intended purpose are good! See more in our Bible study on 1 John 1:5.
READ THIS TOO: God is Light and, In Him, there is no darkness (1 John 1:5).
In other words, God is at work doing good things. This should comfort us. Yes, we may not like what is happening to us right now for it is painful, hurtful, or just shameful. However, God is doing or allowing it for a purpose, a good purpose.
Paul says it better in Romans 8:28: ‘And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose’ (ESV). In this verse, Paul is saying that, for those who are called, who love God, all things work for their good. Indeed, it is in God’s purpose or revealed will that He will do anything for His church, the people that love Him!
2. God is in Control
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible depicts God as someone in control of every situation, including our own thoughts and actions. Proverbs 21:1 says that ‘The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will‘ (ESV).
Also called sovereignty, this attribute means that ‘no person, organization, government or any other force can stop God from executing his purpose’. Isn’t this awesome? Isn’t it comforting to know that God, your God, is actually in control of every situation and every force, visible and invisible?
Isaiah says it well: ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose‘. In other words, ‘subject to none, influenced by none, absolutely independent; God does as He pleases, only as He pleases always as He pleases’ (A. W. Pink).
When in trouble, always remember that your father hasn’t lost control. He will deal with whatever is happening according to His will in His own time. Trust and wait on Him.
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3. God is Love or He loves you
From Genesis to Revelation, God is revealed as one who cares about us, the humans. While He does everything for His own glory or according to His will, it is within His eternal purpose to love human, to love you. In other words, His love and care for you is part of all that gives Him glory.
God (the Bible) says:
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies (Romans 8:31-33).
In other words, for those who love God (the elect), He will do anything to save them, not only from physical threats but, most importantly, from spiritual threats against our eternal glory. He asks us, if I didn’t spare my only Child, what else would I not give up just to see you happy or fulfilled? God loves and cares for you. Trust Him even though you are surrounded by pain and hurtful situations.
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SUMMARY: Remembering and reflecting on God’s attributes can give us hope and inspire us to remain faithful.
So as you go to bed my dear brother and sister, let this word be your inspiration. Let Jesus be your companion and friend even in that pain. Yes, I know sometimes pain is too much but I want to remind you that God, your father and friend understands that pretty well and He must be laying out plans to deliver you. But even when He doesn’t deliver you from what is threatening you, be glad you have served His purpose, even in your death!
May the Holy Spirit guard and protect you tonight and all those you care about. And may He bring you happiness and success tomorrow and make it a better day for you than it was today. AMEN
Receiving Jesus Christ
Have you received Christ yet? If yes, praise God and keep proclaiming His love. If no, this is your time to find the only true and full joy that lasts forever in Christ Jesus. Just say, Oh Lord Jesus, I am sorry I have been away for long. I am a sinner. You became flesh and took over my cross, the punishment of death I deserved so I may find life a full joy in you. Yet I haven’t recognized this for a long time and have been your enemy all along. I am sorry. Forgive me and count me among your children. In Jesus name. Amen.
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