The 3 most important things in life! You didn’t see this coming, did you?
You know the most IMPORTANT THINGS because they are the ones you are chasing after, and once you settle them out, you will be done.
Yeah, in this complex world, it is easy to get caught up in the mixture of the very many things that are flashed in our ears and eyes and end up losing a grip, if we already have, on the very important things that give life meaning.
But what are they? Are they money, sex, and fame?
Watch the video instead!
There are MANY & CONFUSING ideas in relation to what is more important in life. This is because various scholars write from personal experience or their own feelings and beliefs.
For example, Quora has about 13 different answers to the question, ‘what are the 3 important things in life.’ Career Expert, Joanna Zambas has her own 12 suggestions. Goalcast, your perfect inspirational platform has 5 different suggestions. Mark Pettit at Life Hack explores some psychological study into what matters for most people and confuses you more with 5 most important things in life. And we can’t miss Buddha thinkers on this, can we? Well, Carl Phillips at TinyBudha shares what he thinks matters most in life as well. And these answers are confusing!
Wait! This guy, Mike Murdock, has some more confusion too. In his book, the 3 most important things, the guy insists that you need the Holy Spirit, The Assignment, and The Seed! What he means I surely don’t wanna tell. Check it out here. If you don’t have money to buy the book, just click on ‘look inside’, you will read a fairly good portion of the confusion. I couldn’t pay for the book, could I? Why are these answers confusing? First, they aren’t the same.
Even though there are common themes across the arguments, for example, love, family, friends, wellness, and success, there are many differences.
Additionally, these writers don’t draw from one source of information, confusing you even more when it comes to choosing what to go with. Lastly, they mix a lot of themes, reflecting that they actually don’t get it! For example, success and happiness or love and friends and family, shouldn’t some things be in one box?
Well, you are lucky! You have got me now!
So how differently will I do this? I will consult one book, the Bible, and, of course, philosophy and theology! Because I have a clear source, you can cross-examine my points and even argue more in the comments section. Thank you.
The book of Genesis has it all. It clearly shows a man, created by God, and set aside for 3 important things! What are they? Read on. By the way, I wrote a deep and exploitative article on The Concrete and only true man’s desire; the one which when filled makes him completely satisfied. You can check on that article too.
Back to our point today;
What are three most important things in life, to a man and woman, the same?
You see, we may pretend and say, oh what is he saying? Don’t my personal desires differ from those of others? The truth is; we are ESSENTIALLY humans and not very different, at least when it comes to what really defines us as humans. Again, go back to the book of Genesis; the creation of man and his life in Eden. These 3 things I am about to share with you are the exact things you are chasing after. Sometimes, you don’t know that you are!
The 3 Most Important Things in Life!

1. Family and belonging
You see, what a man yearns for is origin (a family). We wrote an article somehow hinting on Discovering who you are through knowing your family, you can look for that too. The number one thing that is important in everyone’s life is family. Yes, it could be your mother and father, your brothers and sisters, your wife and children, or your friends or relatives who have grown up to be your family, and for God’s sake, that is all you ever wanted.
You see, at times, we take our families for granted but when our families are not there, that is when we feel the pinch. Yes, you need a family for it gives life and all you do a meaning. And always remember to make your family your number one priority.
Do you know why we need family?
It is the perfect and default source of love. This love can either be erotic, agape or even philos, and a family is the reliable den for love. And you know what! Every man including, the most notorious serial killer is desperate for love. By the way, I wrote a book called The 3 Loves We Need, and in it I explained the above 3 types of love. Get it here.
You can scroll through the Bible, read philosophy, romance and fiction, and all you will find is the value of a family. Your family may not define you, but ultimately tells a lot about you. Yes, you need to have a family and a place that you call your home and origin, no mater what!
In the past, when all things were by succession, your family defined a lot about you, and determined your jobs, you friend selection, your positions in society, and everything. Even though that was a misuse of what more a family should mean in our lives, it somehow pointed to the value and meaning of a family in life. Yes, I repeat this; everyone yearns to have a family; a group of fellow people where he belongs, and that he calls his own people. And you need one too. You can pretend that you have no such vacuum or need in your heart, but you know it well that you are lying to yourself; man is in desperate need of a family.
The family could be your wife or husband and children, your parents (biological or adopted) or just a bunch of friends who make you feel at home and wanted. NB: The family can either be biological or non-biological; it is a family! God saw it unfit for Adam to be alone. He provided Eve. Prioritize your family in everything you do, there is no sin in doing that.
2. Not fame, but career or job or work

A career is simply a combination of everything in your interests that define your work or services. In simple terms, we can call it a job or employment or your work.
There is no peace found in any man or woman who has no career. I mean everyone loves to stand in position of some work. Life can be a mess and meaningless if you woke up one day and you cannot do any work. For God’s sake, I am not talking about digging, carrying and pushing things as work only, even thinking, eating and sleeping could be your work or career. I am kidding!
All I am saying is that even the ‘incapacitated’ can still work. According to authors at Scientology, “work is the stable datum of this society. Without something to do, there is nothing to live for. A man who cannot work is as good as dead and usually prefers death. The fact is; work or career is an important aspect of life in sense that lack of it makes life look meaningless and we die young.
You cannot live without career, without work. Lame people. Blind ones. All need work. I will repeat this; you cannot live without working (St. Paul talked of it in the Bible), and this is not necessarily about you food and money; it is about your true life. Your brain, your cells, your soul cannot move on if there is nothing to work out.
Are we together?
Up to now you don’t understand the value of work or career in life? Try losing your job. You won’t like it.
Again scroll through Bible texts, visit philosophy, fiction and any genre of knowledge and you will find that men define their lives by their careers. Yes, having a career is your number two important aspect of your life in the sense that, without it, you will lose your mind and even die.
Take home;
God said to man, work out the earth! Take your career seriously. Guard it with your money, property, fame and even life for your life is actually nowhere without your career or job or work.
NB: It is important to note that we are not necessarily talking about paying jobs and work, we are talking about having something to do on this earth; some kind of service to the world, to your creator. This is nature’s law, you must have one.
3. Not Sex, but Faith or Religion or Belief

You know they say, “every person has an angle”. In other words, each person has a position, a belief, a kind of base or wall or perspective on which he leans. And I call that faith or belief or religion. Maybe you are not a born again Christian, not a Muslim, and not even a Buddhist, but the fact is your have a belief; something or someone you base on for all your knowledge and judgments. It could be your mother, your wife, a tree, a stone, Buddha, Muhammad or the true God, but you have a religion.
Not having any of the mentioned or known religion is also a religion in itself!
And you know what! Your religion means your life.
Maybe you don’t know the power of religion or faith or belief! It is the faith that made Abraham stand in position to kill his own son. And it is some kind of faith or belief that enabled women attend services with no knickers and pants because the Holy Spirit was expected to pass there! It the same that made people sit in a closed church without questions until the man burnt them down! It is what people kill and die, for Faith is Life!
Is it funny? Oh no, it should not be.
It is faith that makes or made our parents give out their children or the people they loved to demons for some sort of exchange. It is faith or some kind of belief that convinced people to sell off their things and closed themselves in a room ready for heaven till their pastor, Kibweteri, burnt them down. It is faith that makes us pay 50,000 shillings for Holy rice at Kakande’s church! or kiss Elvis Mbonye’s shoes! It is what you believe in that drives you.
Yes, we can do anything in our power to save our religion, faith or belief for it is actually life and, without it, our lives are empty. In ancient times, crusaders murdered for religion!
I started this point with the quote, “every man has angle”, and it is time we explained what it means. At times, we may be tempted to say we have no religion or side and yet even choosing not to join belief A or B is also another independent choice on its own, and thus a belief in itself!
Got it? Maybe yes or maybe No, but here is the fact;
Every man has what he believes in and will do everything in his power to defend that which he believes in for losing it is the same as losing self, his life. And you are not wrong at this; belief is your life.
Instead of pretending to have no God or religion, your task should be finding the true God to believe in! None can be without belief or religion! Choosing not to believe in God or any of the known gods is a religion in itself!
Man was meant to be in relationship with God, his creator. Life cannot be without faith. Instead of trying or pretending to Live like you belong to no religion or faith or belief, you should be finding the right faith.
There are thousands of things we may think we want in life, and as we chase them, we get mixed up and confused and end up up living miserably. And yet all these things can be summed up in the only 3 clear-and-easy most important things that make any person’s life meaningful and complete; Family (love and belonging), Career (work or ‘purpose’), and faith/Belief (relationship with God).