SAICM Beyond 2020: Every Day of IP4.2, UNEP’s Meeting on Global Chemicals & Wastes Management!
SAICM Beyond 2020 simply refers to the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management Beyond 2020. The idea is that, while SAICM goal was originally meant to be met by 2020, many factors, including the outbreak of COVID-19 in late 2019 impended the progress. In addition, since the establishment of SAICM, new chemicals and wastes have come up, about 10,000 new ones each year. We still need to figure a way to manage them. We even don’t know all of them yet!
Therefore, when ICCM4 convened in 2015, one of the outcomes was to think SAICM beyond 2020. IPs (Intersessional Process sessions) were decided upon as intermediary meetings and events that would draft recommendations for SAICM Beyond 2020. IP4.2 is the fourth of the IPs and the last of them all before the convening of ICCM5, the high-level political multisectoral meet-up in September 2023 in Germany. Wait! Are you already lost?
Well, if you have read my first article in this IP4.2 and SAICM series, you are now familiar with every word in the title of this article, and everything I just spilled out in the above paragraph, aren’t you?
READ THIS: What is IP4.2 and SAICM, ICCM and IOCM? A brief easy-to-grasp description
In this short article, I will briefly introduce you to everyday happenings in relation to the meeting, and specifically our own youth participation under UN MGCY Chemicals working group. Again, be reminded that the meeting (also called IP4.2) is happening between 25th Feb. 2023 and 3rd March 2023 here at UNEP Head Quarters, Nairobi. I (or Miklah Life) have managed to be present, and I hope you will be present through my brief writings too. Thank you.
SAICM Beyond 2020: Day 1 (25th Feb. 2023), the Technical Briefing!
Basically, the briefing was scheduled at 14:00 to 16:00 Kenya Local Time.

SAICM Beyond 2020 Briefing: What was it about?
One thing you must know is that I dozed off during the briefing, lol! I mean, I had just travelled on a 15-hour bus from Kampala to Nairobi, and had headed out to UNEP Head Quarters immediately without resting or taking shower or eating breakfast! It was bloody, yeah, I mean very tiresome! However, I managed to grasp some exciting moments of the briefing, and, yeah, that’s it!
Wait, there was tea immediately after the briefing. And do you know what I did? I took double glasses of the provided tea, and ate more than one slice of bread. Now, that was revenge, payback on hunger (or food), lol!
Anyway, the briefing was about two major objectives: 1. Discussing IOCM’s findings on a workshop done early this year; 2. To read or introduce us to IOCM’s CRP (Conference Room Paper) or proposals.

Get the details of the Paris workshop agenda here.
The above is boring, isn’t it? Lol! However, following the presentations on the above two objectives of the briefing, people were asked to ask questions or share their comments or inputs. That was a little bit exciting!
Delegates highlighted and insisted on the need to make health the center of the upcoming SAICM Beyond 2020 policy framework, for the fact that poor management of chemicals and wastes harms our health. And also the fact that people act when it’s their own lives in danger, lol! One delegate elaborated more, and added ‘health of diversity’.
Of course, they forgot one more important aspect that inspires people to act; BUSINESS! In my view as a sustainable innovator and entrepreneur, chemicals and wastes can affect business, even more than we ever anticipated. And there is nothing that moves people, especially the industry (or businesses) that actually produce and use chemicals, like the threat to their money or businesses. Once chemicals and wastes are presented as a danger to not only people and biodiversity but also money, well, we have got their attention.
Delagates here weren’t openly talking or approaching the issue from that way, and I am here or was there to add that ingredient, openly, lol. Or I am kidding! What do you think?
Importantly, back to the point of delegates’ comments and views on the briefing, we, the representatives of youth on chemicals under UN Main Group for Children and Youth (UN MGCY) appreciated everyone and every efforts in the house. We informed the house that we were present and that our intention is to have specific text and lines addressing special issues of children and youth included in the document text. Our speech was delivered by Shannon Lisa, our team leader. See the video below!
What is this document text?
Get reminded that IP4.2 is a resumed fourth Intersessional Process Meeting on SAICM Beyond 2020. The first one happened in Bucharest, Romania. The goal of IP4 meeting is to design a policy strategy framework document that will be decided upon by ICCM5 for global management of chemicals and wastes.
The first meeting (IP4.1) successfully consolidated their work in a document (IP4.10) and, in this second meeting, we will just build on this document and finalize it, making it ready for ICCM5.
Well, negotiations are about what to exactly include in this important document. Our fight is to see youth and children considered, not just in speeches, but in the practical document or instrument that will guide all global efforts in management of chemicals and wastes beyond 2020.
When everything was said and done, we took photos and had some socialization. And left, to get ready for what would happen next.
SAICM Beyond 2020: Day 2 (26th Feb. 2023), Handing in our CRP Paper! WOW!
For youth, second day of IP4.2 was important and hectic! I mean, we had to explore our partially prepared CRP document (Conference Room Paper), negotiate it even more, finalize, and send it to IP4.2 (or SAICM) secretariat (on the IP4.2 website) so it could be considered for formal negotiations that would begin on the third day (or the first day of the actual negotiations).
Importantly, we involved ZOOM Online streaming for the purposes of including fellow youth who had not made it to UNEP for in-person meeting. And that is what we just did!
The meeting happened between 12MD and 3pm (KENYAN TIME). Yes, we did it! At the end of the day, we were done with our CRP paper, and uploaded it on IP4.2 website, and, yeah, we were off for consideration.

SAICM Beyond 2020: Day 3 (27th Feb. 2023), the first day of actual negotiations! Introduction to CRPs statements.
In some announcements to do with this IP4.2 meeting, you must have come across the dates as 27th Feb. 2023 to 3rd March 2023. That is true. Why? Because it is the actual day of the beginning of the negotiations. However, usually, there are preparatory meetings, briefings, and other relevant things to put in place before official negotiations. These preparatory meetings happened between 25th and 26th Feb. 2023 (Saturday and Sunday).
Well, on the actual day of negotiations, which was practically the 3rd day here at UNEP, the first thing was plenary meeting! The plenary is like the main conference room or the main hall. It’s where all delegates meet at once and make general discussions or combine up all their thematic proceedings. And whatever issues they have!
During this plenary, which happened between 10am and 1PM (Kenyan Time), delegates were asked to read statements regarding their CRPs documents. Well, be reminded that we had submitted in our CRP on the previous day. So when it was time for youth, well, we just had to summarize our CRP and call upon the house to have our text included in the document. The brief statement to the plenary was read by Shannon Lisa, our team leader from USA.

Importantly, during the plenary, meeting ‘CHAIRS or co-chairs’ divided us into three thematic areas of the document: Policy (Vision and Objectives), Finance and Capacity building, and Mechanisms of Implementation.
Wait! Are you understanding me?
The whole IP4.2 meeting is about drafting a policy document. This document has many sections that delegates have to agree on their content. To achieve this, groups take on various sections, negotiate them deeply, and come up with drafts that are later combined to make the document. For this IP4.2 consolidated document, groups (or thematic groups) are; 1. POLICY (strategic objectives, targets, mission, and vision, etc.); 2. FINANCE & CAPACITY BUILDING; 3. MECHANISMS OF IMPLEMENTATION.
On this 3rd day, TG3 had a meeting in conference room 1, and started general discussions regarding the objectives, vision, targets of the document. Again, we made a brief comment regarding our needs and our CRP statement. And this brief comment to the delegates was made by Howard Mwesigwa, a youth from Uganda.

And that was the end of day 3 or day 1, whatever you like, lol.
SAICM Beyond 2020: Day 4 (28th Feb. 2023), Plenary, More CRP statements, Thematic Group Discussions, Actual Text Drafting, Crazy Day!
The fourth day of SAICM IP4.2 meeting was one one of the craziest. A billion things happened! Well, as always, we (the youth) open the day with a brief meet-up somewhere outside the conference rooms. There is a spot for us, lol.
After that, we headed to plenary session where we were briefly introduced to remaining few CRP statements and general comments.
What are CRP documents or statatements? They are just general proposal statements from various groups, countries, organizations, and whatever suggesting what they need to be included or excluded from the policy framework!
Thematic sessions
After that!
We entered thematic group discussions. Personally, I joined the thematic group on implementation mechanism in conference room 3. And, yeah, didn’t propose anything! Lol. I just learned! I also noticed how UN delegates really invest a lot in producing the international documents we cherish (or we don’t)! Lol.
From the thematic sessions, we had a lunch break.
Our Bilateral Talks with Louise at UNEP

During lunch break, Alphonce, one of the amazing persons I have come across in this conference, introduced us to one of his friends, Louise, a young generous lady who works with UNEP. And off we had a quick informal bilateral talks with her.
What are bilateral talks? They are like side formal and informal talks delegates organize among themselves to try to sell their ideas or proposals to each other so that when time for general discussions and decion-making come up, one already has supporters of his proposal among the delegates. This is great. Politicians know it well!
Well, she was amazing! She told us that we need to be vibrant and innovative as youth, especially when it comes to enforcing our needs. Sometimes, she laughingly said, no need to be so formal! Lol!
Louise and our team leader, Shannon, considered a possible outreach to UNEP’s communications team that would help us propagate our ‘propaganda’ or cause, maybe as a brief statement on youth attending IP4.2 and what they have achieved or whatever. We are yet to see if there is way to jump into this!
After this, there were more thematic group discussions, with some entering the phase of actual drafting of the policy framework paper. This brings me to the most important thing of the day; ‘YOUTH’ entered into the document text!
Youth Text in SAICM Beyond 2020 Document Text, Awesome!
During the thematic meetings, a lot of things happened. Usually, as youth, we distribute ourselves across the three thematic groups, and then fight to see that our views or inputs are heard and that what we have already achieved isn’t undone by some delegates. To achieve this, we coordinate via WhatsApp group, offering exact practical support required for each group to perform well in the thematic groups they are in.
Well, many of our youth did miracles, and mostly importantly, our suggested text appeared in consolidated document text. See it or download it here on SAICM website. I wasn’t sure it will remain in place on SAICM website, and so I uploaded it on my Google Drive as well. In my own version, I have highlighted the exact text ‘YOUTH’ or ‘Children and Youth’ in yellow on target A1. Check it out here.

Many more youth read statements to UN delegates on this day. It was amazing. James, Fred, and others did a great job.
That was the day’s achievement!
SAICM Beyond 2020: Day 5 of IP4.2 (1st March 2023), More negotiations. African Region Group for me. And yeah, more!
This was the best day of my life! Lol. Why? Because, I actually read the youth position statement in support of a delegate from Sri Lanka who had advocated for capacity building programs among the youth. I was excited, took the microphone with a lot of confusion and, with great peer support from fellow youth, delivered the statement like a pro delegate! See the video below:
Away from the above excitement, youth equally did great job on that day.
As always, the day opened up with a plenary, then we distributed ourselves across the thematic groups. Most groups were in the drafting mode, and our job was to keep our eyes on the delegates, noticing those trying to attack youth sensitive areas so we can rebut and also support those trying to support ideas that are in line with youth perspectives.
In the above aspect, we noticed Sri Lanka bring in an intervention for capacity building, specifically education programs in schools. And we jumped in!

As always, whenever we want to jump in, we first coordinate among ourselves, agree on the text statement, and get one youth (preferably one who hasn’t talked to house prior) to speak out to the delegates. This time, it was me. The text was drafted by Alphonce and agreed upon by all members. Well, I hammered the point.
Other youth made headlines on that day!
Tabby delivered a note on the need to specifically address or reference vulnerable groups like youth and children in interventions.

And, of course, our team leader, Lisa, delivered more and more statements, which really pushed us further into these considerations.

On this day, youth worked so hard into the night, even up to about 10pm or more. This was one of the most stressful day, and yet one when we made serious progress in our intentions as youth.
Personally, on this same day, I attended a meeting by African Region GROUP, and got the opportunity to meet several African delegates. At the same time, I joined The African Youth Alliance for Chemicals and Waste (AYACW), an alliance of more than 100 individuals and organizations working together to promote active youth participation in global management of chemicals and wastes. That was a big deal for me.

Of course, lastly, I roamed around Nairobi! Lol

SAICM Beyond 2020: Day 6 (2nd March 2023), More Drafting, Bilateral meet-ups for youth!
This day opened up with a big entry! Lol. Yes, Yugratna Srivastava (read about her here, here-LinkedIn, and here), one of the famous youth champions in the space of sustainability advocacy flew in from USA. Her goal was us.

Apparently, as you must have noticed, Shannon Lisa (read about this amazing lady here on Twitter) and Alphonce Muia (read about this generous and helpful guy here, here, and here) had been the most experienced highly coordinated individuals who were running everything among us. It is fair to say that our scores as youth were greatly due to these two individuals. They fought for us, connected us, empowered us, and made sure we all had support system to execute tasks. Coming of Yugratna, another highly talented lady, meant that we were stronger. And more connected.
Talking about being more connected, we opened up the morning with Bilateral meeting with ACP MEAs (UNEP) top management, Dr. Balakrishna Pisupati.

This gentleman is awesomely passionate about youth and he really gave us a good time, opened us to many possibilities, and willed to work more with us in the world of chemicals and wastes management. Read more about him here, here, and here.
Additionally, he had Louise Dorner with him. Louise is another amazing person we met at UNEP. She is always laughing or smiling, open up to informal approaches, available to you (even through her lunch), and, yeah, open to ideas from youth. If you have already noticed, we had met her the previous day. So, I think this was her more provisions or support in practice. Read about her here (LinkedIn).
Well, in the meeting, Yugratna and Lisa again introduced us to these diplomats. Alphonce also was present, lol. Yeah, it was an amazing meetings. Whatever we discussed, well, it is a little private, lol. I am kidding!
From the bilateral meeting, we headed to thematic rooms for usual drafting and negotiations. I and a few other youth took on conference room 3. The group was to explore mechanisms to implementation. Our job is as usual; listen in, notice those threatening youth agenda, coordinate, and rebut. Or notice those supporting youth agenda, and if necessary speak up and support.
From these thematic discussions, we had lunch break. For us, it was time for bilateral talks. See the abrupt program below:

NOTE: I didn’t catch up with any! No, I mean I caught up with the one involving IOMC, when it was ending! Lol! Therefore, I don’t know anything that happened in the meeting. And I didn’t bother asking. It is my right not to know, isn’t it? Lol!
Anyway, from this, we rushed to Swedish Embassy to have an evening dinner or conversation with the Ambassador. It was an amazing experience. I mean, I have never seen a social ambassador like the one I saw!

During the discussions, most youth shared amazing and inspiring stories and aspirations. Mr. Alphonce raised an issue of lobbying for Kenya to host a growing office called United Nations Office of the Youth. The argument was USA is increasingly becoming an unfriendly nation, for scoring her Visas is terrible. As such, it is not meaningful to have an office meant for global youth to be in such a restrictive and unwelcoming environment! Lol!

That was cool, wasn’t?
When my time came, as always, I advocated for innovations and sustainable entrepreneurship as the true and effective path to addressing sustainability challenges. Well, it worked out! Gave out my flyers to some of the youth, including the ambassador herself. Well, that was really cool! Lol. Details of the rest of the conversation are a secret, aren’t they? Lol.
From there, we (I) headed straight home! Good night!
Husting out SAICM Beyond 2020, even during the Night!
NB: When a group of us went to meet the ambassador, another group of youth were left at UNEP, keeping up with the IP4.2 negotiations. Under the leadership of Shannon Lisa, these young soldiers fought through all the negotiations up to 11PM, Oh my God! These are my heroes.
I mean, the way youth have tussled out these negotiations has surpassed my expectations. These young people are tireless, determined, and selfless. Get reminded that UN MGCY isn’t well funded, and most of the youth here are actually under self-funding.
When we throw out the term ‘self-funding‘, it looks gorgeously cool or corporate or exotic. It looks money, just not from Government or any other funder but self, right? Well, in most cases, self-funding means suffering, sacrificing various amenities and comfort just for the bigger dream. It means negotiating through the meetings without having anything to eat or drink. It means having no resources, including reliable data or phone or laptop. It means travelling long distances by crazy road transport where one would use air. It means sleeping in insecure and cheap slums or suburbs when one would be accommodated in a nice hotel. It means all things suffering, though in this case, for a greater cause!
Additionally, while some of us went home immediately after the meeting with Sweden Ambassador, Yugratna still went ahead and joined her colleague, Lisa, and kept pushing on with those other young people until late in the night. This is real work.
In this regard, I highly appreciate the work that we have tried to do here, especially when young people stretch it throughout the night. So, yeah, to all the young people hustling it out here at UNEP, kudos. And to our leaders too, Shannon Lisa, Alphonce, and Yugratna, kudos. God bless you all.
SAICM Beyond 2020: Day 7 (3rd March 2023), Finals, lol!
This day was beautiful. We were all there, in high energy. We had fought our way through into the text, and we had won, maybe not a big win. But, yeah, a good beginning. On the last day, we needed to be there, and be sure no one plucked us out! Lol.
We had two bilateral meetings, with IOMC Secretariat and EU and a brief peep into SAICM Secretariat! The two bilateral meetings (IOMC and EU) happened at the same time. Well, we divided ourselves into two groups, and attacked from both sides. One group was led by Shannon Lisa, and the other by Yugratna. The one by Lisa went ahead to meet European Union delegates while the one led by Yugratna met the IOMC delegates. I was in Yugratna’s group!
In the bilateral meetings, we explained what MGCY or the children and youth group of UNEP is all about and how chemicals and waste are part of what it focuses on. We demanded for full participation of youth and children even in the internal processes or meetings of IOMC so that policies and strategies designed by IOMC are actually responsive to children and youth. The big outcome was this: IOMC requested us to write a formal proposal with all our demands and put it on their desk before the end of March 2023 for consideration.
Other other hand, Lisa and her team demanded for support and push for youth involvement from European Union. This support would come in form of voice, supporting our positions during negotiations, and also funds, to facilitate youth’s participation in these SAICM or chemicals and waste processes. According to Lisa, it was a successful meeting, one with a promising future.
The evening plenary: last day of SAICM beyond 2020 (IP4.2)
In the evening, it was plenary again. You
The day closed off earlier than we had anticipated. Well, I will get time, and come back to this, but, in the meantime, just know we did our best!

Lord Offei-Darko
March 3, 2023Special quote
“Every small act of conscious waste reduction and chemical management can lead to a cleaner and safer environment for all. Let us all take responsibility for our actions and make a positive impact on our planet.” ~ Lord Offei-Darko
Vicent Nemeyimana
March 3, 2023True, I respect the term or terms ‘every small’. Sometimes, when confronted with huge threats, and then we consider how small our contributions can be, we can be tempted into not doing anything at all, for fear that our small actions won’t really do anything. However, the quote you have shared shows that it is the totality of our small actions that actually make the difference. So, yeah, even your comment here just made all the difference. Thank you