Miklah Blog

The Illusion of Scarcity: There is No Such Thing as Scarce Resources!

Seriously, pause a minute and ask yourself, what in this world is scarce and not enough for us all? Is it oxygen? Is it land? Is it water? Is it food? Is it shelter? Is it cars? Is it electricity? Is it security? What is it, according to you? Please, think about it and tell me. And if you can, explain yourself as much as you can.

Originally, nature had been strong enough and abundant to support us all. Foods, land, security, water, or oxygen have been and and shall always be enough to support each one of us on this planet. But something went wrong; monetization of all those gifts of nature and turning them into property! 

Yes, someone or some horrible group somewhere thought about earning control and being in charge and created a system that snatched all the above gifts and put them in hands of wealthy men and turned them into property (not free). To get back even a small portion of the gifts, of what was originally ours, we need to pay money, which money we also don’t have but only get from the wealthy at interest rates.

Wait! Because you don’t have what to eat doesn’t mean there is scarcity of food (food might be abundant somewhere in the world and even rotting in Fridges (for example, your next neighbor could even be pouring it day and night). Because you don’t have shelter doesn’t mean there are no enough houses (so many houses and rooms in this world have no occupants). Because you don’t have clothes doesn’t mean there are no clothes in this world (some people never put on a shirt twice). And yes, there is nothing as abundant as land, water, and air but I am sorry you don’t even have a centimeter of land, a drop of water, and a litre of clean air to breathe whether here or in hospital. It’s all have been changed into money! And money, you don’t have.

Monetization of common man’s resources

What is the cause? The money system, but most importantly, how it’s run-the interest rate on money! 

Originally, money was to bridge the gap between goods and services and need. It was to facilitate the exchange! But in a more complex way, landlords of money put on it interest rate every time you used it. This thing of making profits was originally not part of us (the Bible has many instructions against this in ancient Jewish communities and the histories of gift, sacred, and barter economics in ancient communities around the world were against this as well). We will come back to this!

As I earlier explained, when interest rate is demanded, it means that the system is demanding more than it lets out. And so people have to work hard and provide goods and services as to meet the extra money demand (to pay the debt and interests). And the working hard simply means the robbery from each other among ourselves! This is even traumatizing. The economic system we see simply sets us into deadly competition for money, for survival. And believe, we will and we always do anything for money, including deceiving, tricking, exploiting, blackmailing, and enslaving our fellows. We kill for money! That is how economy of any country is regulated and built-on debts and interests. 

As money became increasingly powerful, what was originally free now became payable and without money things or resources seemed to be scarce. Tell me, you want food and your neighbor wants someone to repair her TV, what evil prevents you two from simply exchanging your needs? Money! Yes, each one of you is desperately in need of money to meet his need! But you guys can easily fulfill and satisfy each other’s need! And yet you are both waiting on getting money and buy off what you each need. And before you guys get money, none of you shall be served (even when all you need is around you!). 

And at this moment, you feel what you need is scarce and yet it’s all illusion!

We shall soon have deeper debates concerning this illusion of scarcity and how to close it up or at least reduce its effects on us. Yes, we shall accomplish this for our world. Some economic predictors say that if these current social and economic injustices driven by this unfair money system continue, we shall have social crisis and fight back from the oppressed someday. And nobody shall stop it. And why shouldn’t we stop it even before it happens? The Complete You Ministry is on it and we hope you join us

NB: Don’t look at wealthy men as the true source of this suffering and oppression of the financially weak; we are all involved in this crime, equally at different levels. Like I said before, the system is complex that it controls all of us without anyone, not even Illuminati controlling it! We are robbing and manipulating each other to survive; it is a world-wide sin!

Sacred Entrepreneurship is a branch of The Complete You Ministry

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