Travel Experience for a Mandela Washington Fellow: Are you already in the US? See my journey experience, share yours too!
If you travalled to the US this summer for Mandela Washington Fellowship, you already have your personal travel experience, don’t you? Well, let’s hear it! However, before you can share your experience, I will open the curtains for you in this short and beautiful article. Are you ready? Well, let’s get started!

You already know a lot about Mandela Washington Fellowship and my personal journey into it, right? If you missed anything regarding my relentless efforts in trying to apply and get selected or the details of Uganda’s pre-fellowship orientation, then read the Mandela Washington Fellowship Series. In the series, everything to do with Mandela Washington Fellowship 2023 shall be published here at #MiklahBlog. You can as well subscribe to our newsletter and never miss opportunities from us.
Back to the point, what was your travel experience to the US? Here is how mine happened:
My Travel Experience to the US: Travel Itinerary, Preparations, & set off!

For journeys and getting ready for them, I have never had any trouble! Why? My beloved wife, Winnie! Winnie is an organized woman who likes to be prepared in time. She respects time, and loves being ready! She is better than me in almost everything!

So, whenever we have any journeys, she prepares clothes, soaps, towels, sheets, and all things necessary and packs them days or even weeks before the actual travel day! With her in charge, I have never been surprised by an event! I mean it; she is good at it!
In fact, one time, she saved my flight to Egypt. The flight ticket came in late and required me to just pack my bags and hurry to the airport. And Winnie had prepared all my bags weeks before! So, when the emergency ticket came in, all I did was just pick my bags and run to the airport. I, I mean we, made it!
Back to this US Travel experience, Winnie started working on my journey packing requirements the day I got selected for the fellowship. When the travel ticket finally came in around June 8th 2023, we just refined her packing!
Part of the preparations was that we stay together throughout all activities all day long! So we would drive together to her workplace, then drive together to mine, go shopping together, visit hotels and beaches, take to and pick a child from school together and, yeah, visit friends together.
This was the longest time I was gonna stay away from my family and we were all anxious, trying to enjoy every moment together.

The Travel Day Came!
Finally, the day came! On that day, which was Tuesday 20th June 2023, we even didn’t take our child to school, for we needed some more time with everyone! So we worked out all that was needed, moved around a little, ate all foods and drinks, had fun and photo moments with ourselves and children and, yeah, everything family.

We drove to the airport, Entebbe International Airport at about 8:30pm. The flight was happening at 11:45pm.
Our close family friend, Kibaba Wilberforce, had agreed to accompany me as well. His wife might have done that too, but she was ‘heavy’ and we didn’t wanna bother her! (‘heavy’ implies late stages of pregnancy or pregnant).
The journey to the airport was full of laughter, gratefulness and, yeah, a lot of stories, of our childhood, of our school-time in high school, of our life struggles, and the few journeys or travels we were beginning to make! Considering our past, we were grateful to life and all it was offering!
At the airport, we played, had photo moments, hugged good-byes and, yeah, separated. I had to go to work!

I entered to go through all the checks. Winnie and Wilber waited in the car outside, waiting for a text from me that I was fully cleared and they would drive back home! In few minutes, I was done with check-in and ready to board. I sent the text to them and they drove back home.
The airline, Brussels airline, delayed for about an 1 hour. However, at about 1:00am, we boarded the plane and I finally knew that I was going to the US for the fellowship, Hallelujah!
Travel experience to the US: Aboard from Entebbe to Brussels, Belgium

Roughly, the whole journey took two days. Compared to the number of flights other fellows hard to take to their final destinations, I can say I was lucky! The truth is my journey was incident-free, smooth, and full of fun. I only needed two flights, from Uganda to Belgium, then from Belgium to the USA!
From Entebbe International Airpot (Uganda), we boarded Brussels Airline, an airline owned by Deutsche Lufthansa, a Germany airline, and headed to Belgium’s own city and International Airport, Brussels International Airport. The flight took about 8 hours. We arrived in Belgium at about 7:30am local time, which was 8:30am in Uganda.
The flight was cool, with no issues. People were friendly and the plane’s take off and landing wasn’t turbulent at all. It was a smooth flight.

On board, we ate and drank. As a man from a food-rich country like Uganda, I surely should reserve my comments regarding foods served by these European or even American friends. I would easily be tempted to refer to it as a snack, not in the way of its quantity but nature or content, I don’t know!
In Uganda, we are used to fresh foods, from the garden or farm to my plate! Read about Ugandan food here, here, here, and here. One famous dish in Uganda is called ‘Katogo‘, a well-prepared mix of few fresh foods that can make you climb mountains and hills like a pro, lol. Thank you.

However, indeed as I have just stated, I have no right to downplay these foods offered in other countries simply because, judged from their perspective, taste, and culture, everything was cool! So, yeah, I appreciate it all. It was cool.
I am unable to describe the food options that were available, for I even don’t know the names! But, yeah, I ate whatever I requested. And it felt delicious, Hallelujah! Help yourself with the food photos below:

US Travel Experience: Short Life at Brussels Airport, Belgium!
At Brussels Airport, we had to go through checks for the next flight! Wait! I made an error that made me almost lose my second flight! What happened?
At the airport, we were many from Uganda on our way to different destinations! As I chatted and moved around with fun, it felt like we all had enough time to wait! I had memorized the time for my next flight as 12:15pm, which was actually the expected arrival time. This was super crazy!
So, yeah, just like everyone else I sat and had fun! Apparently, my next flight was happening at 10:15am local time (Belgium) and there I was making stories with others up to about 9:50am. Someone saved me!

My friend and a fellow, Stephen of Kisoboka Africa, is more experienced with travels. All of a sudden, he suggested that we needed to re-check the flight schedules on the big screens. Out of nowhere, I suggested to walk with him to the screens. Re-examining the schedules and comparing with my ticket, Stephen quickly noticed that my flight was about to leave and I was still there having conversations! Oh my God!

Stephen discovered another thing! For me, I had crammed that I was travelling with Brussels, for indeed the ticket read ‘Brussels’. So, on all schedules, I had been paying attention to only Brussels and its travels. On the speakers, I was only paying attention to issues concerning Brussels and not anything else! Well, I was wrong!

While my ticket had been booked by Brussels airline, the flight from Brussels airport to Newark, Newyork, would would be handled or operated by America’s United Airline. What a tragedy! Everything was well-stated on my ticket, but I had not noticed such details.

God was with me, I from nowhere showed my ticket to my friend and, with his travel experience and passion to help, he quickly noticed those details. And literally saved my flight!. Thank you, Stephen Katende.
To cut the story short, it was time for me to run to the exact gate and catch up with United Airlines to Newark/Newyork, USA. For those who travel, you know that international airports elsewhere are really huge, right? Well, I had to run for, maybe, more than a kilometer or two to reach gate B40 where the check-in for the US-bound flight was happening from! And you know what! Stephen offered to run the distance with me! The rationale was that I don’t get stuck anywhere in such a moment.
We made it to the gate breatheless. Luckily, the plane had been delayed a little. Very many people were still checking-in and many more were coming! Stephen went back to keep up with others as they wait for their turn, a plane that was heading to USA at around 12PM local time.
During the checks, I was marked for ‘further security checks’ for ‘those heading to the US’! Of course, I almost was the only one marked out for this in a line of hundreds others!
During the further security check, I was asked to open all hand bags, remove shoes, belt, watch, laptop from its bag, my jacket, and everything else except basic clothes on my body. A lady with many ‘unnecessary’ smiles scanned all my items using some sort of paper element.
Everything checked out well. And she smilingly wished me a safe flight to the USA. I said ‘thank you’, this time with a sad face! When I later inquired from my fellow friends from other African countries, they too had undergone the same experience!
Travel Experience: Aboard the United Airlines to Newark/New York
By 12PM or so, we were boarding United Airlines to the US. Aboard, we had great times. The flight took us 8 hours as well. I noticed many things on the US airline.

First, the airline’s information screen gets bombarded with adverts regarding many ventures, promotions, and hotels the airline is promoting or partnering with, a thing that was not common on the Brussels screens or even Egyptair that I travelled on during COP27. Anyway, it is American culture. We were entering the land of capitalistic businesses and free markets!
Secondly, you quickly notice America’s efforts in achieving a diversified workforce. Black flight attendants, flight attendants that are a litle old, flight attendants that are Chinese, Asian or Indian, and all things mixed, a great thing!

Thirdly, the Americans feed you with enough food and not ‘timed’. We ate snacks, food, and snacks again. In terms of drinks, there were plenty and not ‘timed’. You would ask for a drink at anytime of your choice. In fact, you didn’t have to ask; someone was going through with water, drinks, snacks every now and then!

Fourth, the flight seats were a little more comfortable and spacious than Brussels airline. On a by-the-way note, the Americans didn’t strictly ask passengers to leave behind the blanket and other ‘beddings’ the airline had distributed. On the other hand, for some reasons, Brussels openly and directly announced that no one should walk out with the provided blanket!

Well, I am not an experienced traveller. I am sharing my travel experience, but not a review. Don’t take my word for it; there could be many variables that I am not aware of. In fact, for those experienced with travels, they may note a lot of ignorance in my experience. And they are right, lol!
At exactly 12:32PM (USA time), which was like 6:32pm in Belgium and 7:32pm in Uganda, we landed at Newark International Airport, New York.
At the airport, everything was smooth! I quickly went through checks, US Customs checks, and then headed to pick my luggage, and then to the waiting area for pick-up by officials from Lehigh University. Lehigh University had given us clear guides regarding the airport and where to wait from, which made our eperience at the airport quiet smooth.

US Travel experience: Newark Airport to Lehigh University, Pennsylvanian
At the waiting area, Jersey Reserve Coffee Labs, I met other fellows who were going to the same institute. We got together, took photos, and patiently wainted for pick-up! After one hour or so, Lehigh University guys arrived with vans. We loaded our luggage, and drove off from Newark or New York to Lehigh University, Pennsylvanian.

The journey to the University was full of fun, a lot of stories about ourselves as Africans and how far Africa has gone and is expected to go. We marvelled at the beautiful green scenary along the high way from New York to Pennsylvanian. Seriously, this is just a green county! And all other things.
We drove for one hour or so and we were in the town of Bethlehem, the home to Lehigh University and everything Lehigh!
At the insitute, we were warmly welcomed by guys like Junior, Peach, Mourica, Bruce, and others, including a warmly lady who is referring to all of us ‘her children’ and she is ‘the mother’! We were graced with gifts, great food and drinks, and nice rooms to sleep in. Since then, our lives have never been the same!
For more experiences and lessons regarding this fellowship, just bookmark Mandela Washington Fellowship Series or just subscribe to Miklah mailing list or just join Miklah WhatsApp Group. Thank you.

Your turn: Tell me, how was your travel experience? Did you lose any luggages? Did someone mismanage you? Did you eat or drink a lot more? What exactly happened? As a Mandela Washington Fellow 2023, share your experience in the comment section below. Thank you.