Why You Need to Join Dabar (5 Reasons)!
In most ways, #Dabar is like most other social media platforms, why Join Dabar? Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others are already available. Importantly, these other social media platforms have extensively established themselves, far beyond imaginable scope for an upcoming platform like #Dabar from a developing world like Uganda, Africa. So, when we pitch #Dabar to you, and openly ask you to not only join, but become a daily active user, what different thing are we really selling?
NB: First published at DABARSOCIAL.COM

5 Reasons to Join Dabar
There are about 5 reasons why YOU should be excited about #Dabar and definitely JOIN NOW
#Dabar is specifically designed for Christians and those who love positive inspiration.
Yes, there are many social media platforms but most don’t care about Christianity that much. And it isn’t their fault; it’s not in their mandate to serve special content for Christian inspiration. In some cases, Christians have been blocked from positing their Christian views on most liberal social networks (read here, here, here, and here).
Dabar is a social media platform for Christians and those interested in open Christian-philosophy discussions and inspirations. There is no such thing as blocking your Christian or theological or philosophical views here; we will instead engage in meaningful discussions, agreeing to disagree!
So are you a Christian? Are you a lover of wisdom and knowledge possible in true philosophical, theological, and scientific discussions? If your answer is yes, then you are home; JOIN DABAR
#Dabar is for positive inspiration instead of scandalous rumors & news!
You see, global social media survives on scandals and rumors and ‘click-bait’ news. For mainstream social media, likes, comments, and shares is all that matters irrespective of the ideas shared. This is because such platforms survive on numbers, the above metrics!
For this reason, to attract attention and get the required likes, comments, and shares, users are sometimes tempted to act ‘foolishly’ and competitively, and post scandalous rumors and ‘uncalled for’ controversial news about their fellows or competing businesses!
Dabar’s true intention is inspiration and motivation. Every post, every comment, including those carrying negative news and controversial thoughts are designed for inspiration, with an empathetic and sympathetic heart. Do you love true motivation and inspiration? You are home; JOIN DABAR.
#Dabar has some unique features, all designed for the greater purpose of Inspiration
Dabar has interesting features that aren’t common with other social media platforms. For example, Dabar has the ‘Request for Prayer’ and ‘Requested Prayers’ features, Visual Bible of the Day, and a lot more that are coming. This is very important. For example, it is easy to say that even on other social media networks, one can specifically create or join a group about Christian inspiration.
However, it is important to note that whenever a system isn’t specifically designed for such a purpose, it will always be in lack. Besides, there won’t be formal research, support, and improvement in that specific area. For proper and real inspiration, it should be intentional. And #Dabar is intentional through these unique features. Would you enjoy this special care with special features designed for Christian-based inspiration? JOIN DABAR
#Dabar is Ugandan-based & African-based Inspirational social media platform!
Yes, all famous social media networks (even more than 100) are from the west, with some few entertainment and fun-related from Africa. It is time for a real social media network from Uganda and Africa.
If you are a Ugandan or African and surely love social media, there is no reason why you shouldn’t Join Dabar now! We are slowly building the biggest and value-driven social media platform from Uganda, from Africa. Are you ready for this revolution? JOIN HERE.
#Dabar is not just a community, but a FAMILY!
All Dabar members and users are groomed into loving and caring for one another. It’s not a social media platform where every user and business pages and groups are competing and fighting one another, but one where they are cooperating and complimenting each other.
With features like #DabarPrayers, members request for prayers and pray for one another. With #DabarGroups, members organize themselves into groups and discuss matters concerning them. With #DabarVideos and #DabarMusic, members will be fed on Christian inspiration from fellow Christian celebs and pastors.
With #DabarForums (not yet launched), we will have members counsel and help one another with various issues pertaining family and relationships, Christian life and Bible, Work and career, and much more.
Dabar isn’t just a community but a caring family. Would you want to be part of that family? JOIN DABAR.
READ THIS TOO: What is #Dabar? Everything about this platform!

We hope you have found one or two reasons to join us as we build the Africa’s number 1 Christian-based inspirational social network. Join Dabar and also invite your friends to join. Take #Dabar to your church and ask your Christians to join. Let us build this thing together. And the glory remains for God.
NB: Dabar is an initiative of Miklah