

Areg Agro Food

Areg Agro Food works with communities to source for organic raw materials and manufacture organic diary products like milk, cheese, yoghurt, and show more

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Areg Agro Food works with communities to source for organic raw materials and manufacture organic diary products like milk, cheese, yoghurt, and others like jams, marmalades, and sources, availing food rich in nutrients and safe from all sorts of additives. The company targets the elderly, children, and those suffering from chronic illnesses, availing them with affordable and nutritious foods for healthy living and recovery from body illnesses.

The company recognizes strong competitors in diary products industry, for example, Divino, Le chesture, and local cheese manufacturers especially paramount cheese, Le Nouve (an Italian cheese manufacturer), Jessa (Uganda), Fresh Diary (Kenya), and other actors. However, Areg Agro Foods sets herself apart in the way the company concentrates on only organic eco-friendly means of raw materials sourcing and production.

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