

Bataka Coffee Farmers Limited - Agriculture for Life

Bataka Coffee Farmers limited puts together all small coffee growers in Kanyantoorogo subcounty and neighbors for collective and powerful market show more


Kanungu, Kanungu, Kanungu

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Bataka Coffee Farmers limited puts together all small coffee growers in Kanyantoorogo subcounty and neighbors for collective and powerful market bargain to avoid exploitation, improved farming methods through professional advisory services and coffee value addition to fetch good prices on the market. Additionally, farmers save a percentage of their annual earnings from coffee to help with various financial needs during the year so as not to be exploited by middle-men who buy coffee berries even when they are still in garden, taking advantage of farmers’ emergency financial needs.

In my community, people generally coffee farmers. And yet poverty and poor living conditions haunt us. This is because, coffee growing is individually done on small scale using traditional farming methods, exposing farmers to poor coffee quality, poor harvesting and storage practices, poor prices as farmers have no negotiation power, and inability to afford basic needs, including health care, education, food and water, and accommodation.

BATAKA COFFEE FARMERS (BCF) LIMITED is an agri-business initiative that offers modern inputs for coffee growing (seeds, fertilizers, equipment, etc), harvesting and storage services, and advisory services (extension) to coffee farmers on credit, making it possible for them (farmers) to have better coffee quality, negotiate better prices, and easily meet immediate basic needs even before coffee harvesting. BCF ensures better farm outputs, favorable market and prices, and socioeconomic transformation of coffee growers.

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