

Global Learning for Sustainability (GLS)

Global Learning for Sustainability (GLS)  is a women-led  Youth Organization founded in 2015   to respond to the growing number of youth whose show more

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Global Learning for Sustainability (GLS)  is a women-led  Youth Organization founded in 2015   to respond to the growing number of youth whose inability to develop life skills is the major cause of challenges they face.

At the height of poor life skills youth cannot address their challenges, some, beyond their control-and yet others are directly under their control.

GLS  is  registered with Uganda N.G.O service bureau as a local N.G.O with a charity status.

With a renewed vision, GLS is premised on advocating for integration and Implementation of SDGs in school and community settings through global education approaches to achieving a sustainable world at community, national and global level to specially address challenges affecting young people globally; hence the belief that: “There is nothing for young people without Young People”

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