I am a Student, Anything I Can Do in Sacred Entrepreneurship? Check it Out!

Yesterday was CYE forum at Serena Hotel and it was really powerful. Doctor Innocent Nahabwe consistently showed his passion for small businesses. And this is so much relevant. You see, we usually like to talk about Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple and other billion dollar companies and rarely consider their beginnings or even the years they have taken to be what they are. This is not a problem for us young entrepreneurs only but also for African investors. Most African investors want to know how you shall pay back their money within a year or two. They insist to ask, are you making profit or not? How big is your customer base now? And these short term expectations make us fail a lot. I love Nahabwe because he shows that it doesn’t matter the size of what you are doing, what matters is your passion and your vision (how bigger it shall be some day).
Most students, when asked, what are you doing? They proudly reply, I am still a student. And this is very terrible. Innocent Nahabwe is saying, a student should start small with what is available to him or her as a student, not to wait for a time when he shall open up a giant shop. Innocent Nahabwe is insisting that the small thing you do everyday is your big business, just treat that small business. How many of you know how to use a piano or guitar and you actually play in your church but you are still begging God to give you a giant business? You already have one!
I wrote my first book, The 3 Loves We Need, when I was in secondary school and it’s now selling on Amazon. I released my first songs when I was a student. I was a poor student from a poor family but lived my school life as a famous king simply because I used my gifts and talents to light the world, to inspire other students, to write great knowledge. I have been a leader in every school and you can’t tell how that served me, including School Fees part of the struggle. A student? And you don’t have any project? In 21st century of free school wireless and empty computer rooms? You are kidding!
The person I am now began long time ago when I was in senior one or even primary seven. We are in a technology enabled era, why shouldn’t a student have what to do, even from his dormitory? Start a blog, open up an online shop, think about a challenge students are facing and solve it for business. We are in times of sustainable development goals, do you know how much you could earn if you formed a project that is sensitizing fellow students about sustainable development goals? How about a small project preaching against sexual Violence? Preach against it, write about it on your blog, make a school magazine covering sexual issues or menstruation or relationships, improve the world around you and make money in the process. You can’t be without anything to do, unless you aren’t thinking about small businesses. I love Nahabwe so so much.
Finally, if you don’t have any business and you would love to practically start one, find us. At Miklah, through our program, Sacred Entrepreneurship, we enable young people to start projects or businesses addressing sustainable development goals (SDGs) of their choice and also enable existing companies to incorporate SDGs into their strategy.
Visit us at our offices here at Zakariyyah House, Opposite Total Kalerwe, Kampala or call us 0779342057 or email us at thecompletey@gmail.com or simply visit our website and register, https://sacredentrepreneurship.miklahlife.com
Start now, start small and grow bigger.
God Bless You