Miklah Blog

MEMORIES: The only paradise we can’t be chased out.

Yeah, i had lost control. After a long day of heavy, tiresome work and with no apparent significant results, i sat there motionless, not interested in anything, including food. Guess what! She starts narrating from her memory the whole of our past and the movie had gone on unfolding.

She tells how at times no one had faith in us, how people judged our failures that we almost lost trust in ourselves. She narrates, as if reading out a poem, how out of nothing we had held each other’s hands through the sick and thin, how we had lived with no food or clothes and poetically injects in how life still was beautiful with love flowing and a lot of future expectations.

She break breaks the memory down and rides through those valleys of death and scary things but that were sailed through with young love that was fearless. She then unwinds all that she had held from her past as fantasies and dreams but God had kept unfolding one at a time to make us a life we are celebrating.

I started to sink and drown in those moments as if they were here and now i forgot my current tiredness and disappointments and got wetter with that story as if it was happening to me now. And when she tactically whispered in my ears how happy she was at the journey we had already covered and designed that sigh with her hope for a well streaming future with love and respect as our foundation, i realized i was already losing my consciousness into hypnotherapy of a kind.

Thank God there are memories: our stores of food for our souls when all our granaries are dry. Thanks to God that i can remember that even the past wasn’t easy but only love with a burning heart with vision had seen us through. Yeah, all my groaning and mourning was gone and i celebrated life again and really there was nothing wrong but only illusions and delusions.

Most of us break down simply because we are too busy to even think or meditate a little. Have you ever asked yourself why God gave us memories. Yeah, we have bad and good memories. When you are in bad moods and harsh situations, it is your right time to turn to your good memories. To create a good world into the current bad is the work of both your memory and your hope. We have to deliberately decide to remember the good times we had and create the real good times even now.

Actually, the next time your spouse or fiance shouts at you and a warm air of anger rises between you, just calm down a moment and start reviewing the good times you had loudly as you speak but in a tactical and poetic voice like she did for me though the reasons were different. Yeah, the truth is that the past is gone but it will help you produce the real good times just now and now.

Memories, the only paradise that even your great enemy won’t be able to chase you out. I am telling you out of experience. Stop concentrating on what is going wrong and just consider for a moment what went well with you in the past days and you can still build more good memories.

The complete life.

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