Our Experience With Schools: How an Education & Mentorship Program Can Turn Around Your School, Company or Organization!

The value of education and mentorship program is underrated. According to Rick Gibbs, a performance specialist at Insperity, sustained success is the goal of any business and mentorship makes it possible (Gibbs, 2019). Mentorship, adds Gibbs, enables knowledge transfer from retired or experienced employees to the newly hired staff, improves leader and management skills among workers, saves the organization’s financial expenditure, boosts retention, and ensures great customer service. In a 2017 study on the role and impact of mentorship, Christine Pfund cites the works of Bland et al., 2009, Cho et al., 2011, Feldman et al., 2010, Fleming et al., 2012 and others that link mentorship to ‘mentee productivity, self-efficacy, career satisfaction and sense of support’ (Pfund, 2017). In other words, mentorship is relevant to both the organization and individuals involved. So, what is mentorship?
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Mentorship is defined in various ways. However, there are concepts or characteristics that appear in almost all definitions. In 2006, Dr. Caela Farren, in her work ‘Eight Types of Mentors’ defined mentorship as ‘a relationship in which more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger than the person being mentored, but he or she must have a certain area of expertize’ (Farren, 2006). In 2007, in the work ‘Toward a Useful Theory of Mentoring’, Feeney and Bozeman (2007) defined mentorship as follows:
‘Mentorship is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psycho-social support perceived by the recipient as relevant to work, career, or professional development; mentoring entails informal communication, usually face-to-face and during a sustained period of time between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less (the protégé)’.
According to Meyer (2006), mentorship is simply a relationship (formal or informal) between people whereby a more experienced individual provides guidance and advice to the mentee or mentees. Meyer adds something very important; this relationship is reciprocal. In other words, both the mentor (the individual or organization) and the mentee (the learner or staff) benefit from this relationship. Every institution (a company, an organization or school) needs education and mentorship program for a guaranteed way of maintaining and or improving expertise, professionalism, discipline and success and customer experience.

Have you ever imagine what it is like to have a school whereby every student has someone else to look up to? Can you imagine a hospital whereby every doctor or nurse has someone else to look up to? What would it be like for a company to have staff whereby every employee has someone he or she is looking up to? This relationship enables transfer of knowledge and experience, responsibility of each of the players, easy means of resolving limiting challenges, builds confidence, and surely sustains the organization’s vision. It is the sure way of maintaining success; players who made it possible transfer the potentials to the new ones!
READ THIS TOO: How Miklah Mentorship Program Addresses Young People’s Modern Challenges

Purpose of the Program: it is clear that education and mentorship program would benefit the organization and the individual staff (both mentors and mentees) involved or the seniors and junior students for school cases. A well-designed education and mentorship program within an institution has the potential to improve on practice, improve retention, work and career satisfaction, customer satisfaction, improved awareness and participation in the institution’s vision, individual growth and development, and so much more. A student who has someone to look up to is likely to adhere to good discipline, perform better in class and even easily grasp how to live the academics in real life experiences.
Do you want a mentor? Do you wanna discover your life purpose and how to live it no matter where you are? You are in the right place. Do you have a school, a company or an organization and you want to turn things around and sign up for more success and glory? Invite us! Signup here or just send us an email: thecompletey@gmail.com.
IMPORTANT: Download our Education and Mentorship program letter for schools or even companies and see the dates we have for you in this AUGUST, SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER and make timely arrangements.
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A Deep analysis of How Miklah Mentorship Program Addresses Young People’s Modern Challenges