Miklah Blog

The ordering doctor and dancing nurses: What happens when we upgrade.

There is this doctor on ward who can`t do anything for himself. I am sure in class they taught him something to do with ordering and a nurse implementing the orders and he thought this applies to everything. Shit. These sisters you see on ward have got husbands and men they love and thus serve and if you think you can easily take up such positions because you are a doctor, then you are prone to be ashamed.

There is a thing i like about doctors in up-country, they know many things practically. I remember when we were students at school and then fail to pass cannula on ward during our practice, then we would tell doctors and they would do even what was impossible for us. The case is different here. Doctors will pass what is hard for them to nurses. No, I am not being too much. Some doctors are extraordinary good and practical here but others are driven by pride and they end up not knowing a lot of nursing procedures.

I was thinking that a wise doctor should put hands on the patients, exercise these procedures, and when he is fully conversant with them, then he can go ahead and sit on the ordering chair and command nurses. Also, these doctors who can`t serve tea or food themselves, who can not wash their plates or spoons after using them should change and start working as if they were home alone. There are many of us health workers who even transfer these manners to our homes and start ordering our wives or husbands, it is dangerous. Then these big sisters who like sending junior nurses for everything should stop too. When we are at work, we have to all work. Actually, seniors should work more than the juniors.

There are these who like using student nurses even when it is time for their lunch at school. Students are on our wards to learn but not to work so they should not be involved in whatever activity even where there are no benefits for them. Did i tell you that if i ever fall sick, i would enjoy being attended to by nurses in pink than those in black belts? Okay, i am done and i hope my point is carried home. Just stay calm and respect your workmates/.

Nemvicx. The Complete You Project

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