

Man’s Suffering & God’s Caring or Not Caring!

Man's suffering

Man’s Suffering & God’s Caring or Not Caring!

If you are a believer in God, and work in a pediatric ward or explore man’s suffering, you can either hate God or love him or just throw away the whole idea that God exists, especially the unfathomable and ‘mockery’ one that insists that God is good. Seriously, there is no good here. Yes, some babies miraculously heal. But these miracles are immediately cancelled out with agony!

man's suffering

From morning to evening, the only sound in my ears is cry, crying of children. Painful injections, painful diseases like sickle cell, and injuries, painful drugs, and treacherous breathing masks and machines strapped over their small nostrils, disturbing feeding tubes, and horrible catheters pulling down their urethras. And of course, painful cries of mothers and fathers whenever their young ones pass away.

Sometimes, you look at the constant pain a one-year or 5-year beautiful child has suffered due to a chronic condition or abnormality, and wonder if God surely exists or if he cares. No one can explain this cruelty, not even God to us in this life.

No explanation for man’s suffering!

There is no reason for this harshness. It is not sin. It is not Satan. Maybe there is no reason at all, and it’s random design of life; just brutal. Or the reason is there, but beyond our understanding now. Otherwise, don’t even bother explaining. Just leave it. For God’s glory? Not true! There must be a real reason why of all possible ‘billions’ of ways He decides to cater for His glory through this cruelty on the ‘unlucky’ ones!

Of course, the Bible says He cares and that He loves, but there is surely nothing in this life, to our usual senses that proves this concept. What proves that God loves us? Nothing, I mean nothing to the usual eyes of a usual person. You can’t say He loves us since He died for us. For our sins? Which sins? Did we have to first sin before he can show his might? Why did he even create us, just for pain? Did he even create us or we happened? You can’t summarize life in these questions! You can’t. Theologians know why this can’t be all.

Read this too: Why do innocent babies and children suffer

You can’t argue out that God has done good things or that existence of some good is God at work. Good and evil co-exist and balance each other to a level that is enough to convince any weak soul of the inexistence of a third person! Every good thing in life is quickly cancelled out by an evil one, a phenomenon that is enough to convince ‘stupid’ and lazy scientists that life happens bing-bangly or accidently, with two opposing forces checking on one another, and ensuring balance. And they are ‘right’. It is like God is surely nowhere. Evil is always in balance with good to a level that convinces auto-evolution of life.

The Gospel of Good things is a lie to man’s suffering!

That is why the gospel of good things and good life in Jesus is surely a lie. Even a fool can tell there is no good thing in this life, nothing. God cannot be proven through the good, for the good isn’t enough. If a person believed in God for the good things He does, that person shall soon or later be disappointed. God’s goodness isn’t enough to be a basis of who He is or can do, Not in our life.

Note that the goodness I am talking about is a ‘literal’ one (humanly good), and not the ‘theological’ type that is served even at our own slaughter or the slaughter of His own son!

Don’t worry, I won’t mind about the theological definition of ‘good’. For theologians, they can say that even the torture of kids, the slaughter of ‘innocents’, and the forever punishment of the disobedient is all enshrined in God’s goodness! But we won’t take that route. It doesn’t help the situation, and provides no relief to the ‘unlucky’ ones, the humanity that suffers now or even the one that shall forever suffer punishment as God reveals His Majesty.

But God is, was, and will always be. While things may look haphazard, they are orderly, planned, and executed on time, on purpose, including the torturous death of a child or the untimely departure of a caring parent. He kills us in the most despicable way, sometimes in a more cruel way than you would ever imagine. And the Bible strong claims; THE LORD IS GOOD!

To man’s suffering, God’s love is far away, beyond comprehension!

And then He claims love or ‘FOR HIS GLORY’. Who does He love? Those who believe in God are the most hurt. He let’s the world laugh at them, and they lose all earthly endeavors like kids with no parents. God hides the most when you need him the most. He is such unpredictable that calling on Him for help is sometimes felt as a wastage! He heals when he wants. So you can’t know whether he intervened because you prayed or you didn’t. You can’t even tell if it is God who helps or just life happens! You can’t even be sure of your salvation (of course, you can!). Only God is.

In the end, good and evil, life and death, success and failure, torturous child death or pleasure of bitches at the beach can’t say anything about God. God and His goodness are beyond us in this life that the only time we will understand them is when we are with him. And that won’t help at all. In true end, it is like man is a loser. And God a winner. And who would lose in his own movie? In other words, it is not about man, but God playing out man for His own glory.

Just as these kids play on with their toys, throwing some in fires, eating others, glorifying some, and torturing others just for pleasure, God is playing with us all for His own pleasure, which theologians call Glory.
You are lucky, just lucky if you happen to be His favorite toy. And unlucky if you become His punching bag. You can’t influence anything. But, logically, a lucky toy can just be grateful. That is all.

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