Working Groups or teams are sub-groups under Miklah Life that serve specific aspects of the enterprise. Working groups are formed based on the various initiatives or projects of Miklah. Ideal, every initiative is a working group or team. However, some initiatives can be combined under the same working groups.

As a volunteer or staff of Miklah Life, you will need to know or select your major group of interest. However, based on your knowledge and talents, you might as well be placed in a different one or occasionally be asked to facilitate the activities of another working team. That said, below are the current working groups:
Miklah’s Current Working Groups

- Working Group 1: Sacred Entrepreneurship: Team members in this group concentrate on training youth to start and grow sustainable businesses and also try to connect those startups to funding. Details are on the sacred entrepreneurship page.
- Working Group 2: Miklah Academy: These run Miklah’s online academy, whereby they design and deliver various digital courses, including digital marketing, graphics design, web design, data analysis, videography, email marketing, and more. It is a school; the future is to have a physical academy as well. The focus is on employable modern-day digital skills. See details here.
- Working Group 3: Miklah Shop. This is where we sell a lot of merchandise to raise money to support other Miklah initiatives. Miklah Shop is a sustainability-oriented shop. Members here concentrate on marketing and selling various products, skills, and services at Miklah. See details here
- Working Group 4: Miklah Blog & Social Media (OR Technology & Content WG). This team focuses on Miklah’s technology, including websites and apps, writing various articles around all topics of interest for Miklah, and posts these articles on Miklah’s Blog and social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube. Also TikTok). The same group ensures that all Miklah Life social media pages are timely updated, including our YouTube channel. This is an interesting group that requires understanding and representing all other works on social media. Interested members love IT, Software, digital marketing, web designing, and the like.
- Working Group 5: Ugapedia & The Citizenry: This group runs Miklah’s online encyclopedia. This is an interesting initiative that focuses on documenting the lives and experiences of unsung heroes; men and women who have been forgotten by mainstream media. The same group will coordinate Miklah’s efforts to develop and execute Miklah’s leadership programs. See details here and here.
- Working Group 6: ShareLand Uganda: ShareLand Uganda is Miklah’s amazing initiative in Agriculture. This initiative just won UNDP’s recognition in addition to the recognition we had scored during COY17 by the Arab Youth Center. The team here will fully run this initiative and ensure its success. For those who love smart agriculture, farming, and all things agriculture and land, this is your place. See details here.
- Working Group 7: Dabar & Ahava: Dabar is Miklah’s inspiration-oriented social media platform. The platform hopes to incorporate some form of love relationship connections and celebrations, ahava. The social media platform is or is supposed to be here and Ahava here.
- Working Group 8: Yapheh Salons: Yapheh Salons is Miklah’s Uber-like platform that enables users to book salon services just the same way people order for Uber. This platform was booming until partner salons started not serving clients well. We are looking forward to continuing our work with partner salons but also building our salons to offer the services. Details here.
- Working Group 9: SWAPafrica LOT. This is our waste or plastics circular economy model. The team here shall run our library of things, including lending out movies, books, equipment, motorbikes, and even electric cars. Important to note is that most of the equipment is not yet in place, but the concept is live and kicking. See details here.
- Working Group 10: Miklah Health: Miklah Health focuses on the sexual-reproductive and mental health of youth and adolescents. We provide information, guidance, and counseling in those aspects. Currently, we have introduced climate psychology, a special climate-oriented counseling service for everyone. Members here have knowledge and skills in health, especially reproductive and mental health, or other helpful talents. See details here.
- Working Group 11: Research Ward. This is the most technical group. At the research ward, we explore the nexus between climate change and public health. We share insights in this area, do research, publish local research, and disseminate people’s research and other insights in a more fun easy-to-grasp way. Team members here involve themselves in research and communicating available insights to the general public. We even have a section that helps students with academic nursing and public health research. Join this working group if you love research or have some research skills like data collection, analysis, referencing and citing, and others. See details of the research ward here.
- Working Group 12: Miklah Albinism. Finally, we are intentionally customizing all of Miklah’s programs to fit or to include people with albinism. This includes intentionally supporting them for various business events we attend and also opening up to all opportunities that we share at Miklah Life. Members in this group will focus on issues of people with albinism and integrate PWA into Miklah’s general vision and core objectives. See this initiative here.
- Working Group 13: Tikkun Phone & Computer Repairs: In addition to #MiklahShop and #SWAPafrica LOT, #Miklah is working on a home-delivered service for phone and computer repair. When your phone or computer needs repair, all you do is call us. We come and fix it at home, and if it requires more work, we take it and fix it at our physical station and return it. It is phone and computer repair on the go! Details here