Ebook: How to Develop and Maintain the Desire to Read and Study the Bible


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Most Christians can be wondering; how can I have the guts to open up, read, and study my personal Bible everyday? Where can find the passion, the desire, and the time?

The laziness to seek God’s Will through the Scriptures have been and shall always be detrimental. And besides the rise of false prophets and blind followers of such evil ones, there is a dangerous and non reversible result of death. How? Scriptures are life and without them, we have no God, no Life. And so the big question pops up; how then can I rekindle or start off and even increasingly maintain the desire to read, study, and even share God’s word? We heard you!

Yes, you have found a helpful and yet very short e-book to help you with your quest. I wrote this eBook from personal experiences of this failure and the faith or prayer-based actions that help or helped me always. And I have this hope that it’s gonna help you as well.

NB: Belongs to the Category of Small E-books (20-50 pages)

God bless you


God has revealed Himself to us through creation, His Word, and His son. The Bible clearly says that God’s word is life and indeed it is only in the Scriptures that any believer should find and live life. The Holy Scriptures themselves are Life, God’s word. There is therefore no life without the word. Isn’t this amazing? Yes it is.

And yet a good number of Christians around the world have lost interest in reading and studying the word. It is not uncommon for a Christian to actually shelf his Bible for the whole week until church’s day (Sunday). Sometimes, people may not even go with their Bibles to the church on Sunday (modern churches have Bible verses projected onto the walls and then the pastor reads out loud for us all!). Most Christians can be wondering; how can I have the guts to open up, read, and study my personal Bible everyday? Where can find the passion, the desire, and the time?

The results for this laziness to seek God’s Will through the Scriptures have been and shall always be detrimental. And besides the rise of false prophets and blind followers of such evil ones, there is a dangerous and non reversible result of death. How? Scriptures are life and without them, we have no God, no Life. And so the big question pops up; how then can I rekindle or start off and even increasingly maintain the desire to read, study, and even share God’s word? We heard you!

Yes, you have found a helpful and yet very short e-book to help you with your quest. I wrote this eBook from personal experiences of this failure and the faith or prayer-based actions that help or helped me always. And I have this hope that it’s gonna help you as well.

God bless you

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