

Day: November 23, 2018

6 Dating Mistakes Christian Make in their Dating!

Self love

Are you a Christian and in times of opposite sex relationships and dating? I mean, do you wanna find Mr. or Mrs. Right for you? Yes, you will definitely find one. Actually, I already wrote ‘how to tell that she or he is the right one for you’ and I hope it will be a [...]read more6 Dating Mistakes Christian Make in their Dating!

How to tell that she or he is the right one for you!

Miklah Blog

Introduction We have talked and shared a lot, haven’t we? Today, we wanna look at something more serious; telling that she or he is the right one for you!  Yes, many people can counsel you on many relationship matters but, surely, few have a hint on how to tell that that woman or man you [...]read moreHow to tell that she or he is the right one for you!