My First Night in High School: Disaster!
All but me had visited their beds, and, indeed it was not about being unlucky that I fell into his pawn that evening; I had predisposed myself.
Time check, it was 12:00 MN and I was just coming to sleep. I was a newcomer and this was my first night at the school.
Yes, I had delayed reporting to school and so I had some work to fix when I finally did. And so, as I hustled with books in the classroom, my friends were all asleep.
But how about him! I mean, he was not in class and neither was he sleeping, what the hell was he doing that late night?
Anyway, I finally left classes and entered the dormitory!
During our senior four vacations, we had chatted and shared some few stories about high school teasing and bullying but never had I thought or imagined it happening to me.
Yeah, all fools lack imagination. Wait! Don’t dare call me one!
Anyway, the dormitory was a little dark; lights were off and some 2-3 students were still moving their small light sources around as they tried to pull blankets over themselves. Papius, my friend was one of those restlessly turning around in their beds.
But this guy, the one I was to fall into that night was awake, oh yes, actually not yet in bed, but was like…should I say it? Yeah, waiting for me. He was waiting for me as I walked into the hall free and fair!
Hey Papius, I announced my entry as if I was entering my home or farm. Funny, you think! Hahaha, wait. What happened next?
Let me call him Bosco. Yes, Bosco grabbed me hard and brought me closer to himself the same way a heated up man grabs a woman that has been enticing him on a stripper’s single pole!
And for God’s sake, don’t think he was homosexual, oh no! That would even have been worse, i suppose!
He was a teaser!
Oh yes, he was welcoming me to high school, as they always said. Before my body could get in contact with his, he had already punched me hard twice in my abdomen and I almost lost breathing.
What! I wondered though this time with my sub-consciousness for the conscious part was no longer active.
My adrenaline rose up high; I could feel it in my veins urging me to run away or fight back. And yes, I was angry!
But I was a warrior then
Yes, a coward warrior.
You see, never joke with cowards; I mean those who don’t understand the system or consequences!
They may as well get destroyed at the end but usually don’t leave you alone. They don’t know what is at stake; they just do it their way as emotions tell them
That was me then.
Usually, the wise decision in such scenario would be to beg for mercy, act calmly and cool, realize you are a new comer (or a coil as they termed us), and find some sort of redemption under humbleness (meeting the needs or begging for mercy where you are unable).
The above applied, but not to Vicent, the Nemvicx of high school!
I am sure you have guessed what happened next?
YES, I pushed him back with my two small hands letting my books find their way on the floor. And yes, not only did I do that, but ‘Jackchanized’ him with a slight kick.
Oh dear, that was suicide.
This guy was ready for me; he was muscular, huge, tactical and a real fighter. I was really nothing compared to him.
My responsive push and kick had just been born out of adrenaline surge, not physical might or tactic.
I became fearful, my hands went numb, my eyes lost sight and my adrenaline deserted me; I didn’t know what to do between fighting and running away.
Yes, now, 50% of the students who earlier had pretended to be asleep were watching the live movie right through their curtains (for those who had them) or their sheets for none (especially other coils) would risk being identified by the angry lion!
Were they cheering him or me? None could tell.
This guy had started removing his metallic belt and seriously considering murdering me! Oh yes, I was a dead meat then.
Luckily enough, my friend Papius had heard the fight since my entry, and he had followed the progress through his curtain as well (he was a new comer too though he had reported about 4-5 days earlier).
Talking of Papius, he was muscularly small and almost of my size or even smaller, but stronger than me.
Actually, him being my friend and school mate since primary school, we had played a lot of wrestling and fighting-kind of games but on no occasion had I won him!
So what happened next?
Yes, Papius had jumped off his bed in time and grabbed Bosco’s hands before he could hit me with the deadly belt
Oh my God, what a relief!
He was my angel that night. Yes, I had lost all the senses and ready for the deadly fight only to be saved in such a quick interception from Papius.
Bosco fought hard through Papius to get to me but he could not. Yes, Papius’ strength and his soothing words kept the angry Bosco in check until he gave up.
Yeah, another guy called Gatana (this one was a senior) had already woken up too. And so, when Papius saved me from the sudden death, Gatana offered to save my ‘unpredictable’ death that night in case Bosco would launch an attack on me while asleep. Gatana gave me accommodation in his bed that night.
As I slowly climbed onto to Gatana’s bed, my heart was pacing and my mind circulating and was wondering; what on earth was I doing in such a school?
And do you know the worst part of it? Oh yeah, there was the worst of it all; It was just the beginning!
I later slept calmly with Gatana and really had a good night
But this peace, calmness and and survival was short-lived for I was again caught up in another crazy group the next day and this time my task was unique; to rap for candidates! And rapping I did!
Until next time, see you.
God Bless You