In ‘The Road to COP28’, we bring you updates as they emerge so that you are prepared and ready when the last bell goes! We assume you already know what COP and COY stand for, and their relevance to climate action. Read about them here.

Additionally, we also assume that you now have vast information regarding the 2022 COP27 and COY17 that happened in Egypt and the famous achievement of COP27, the ‘LOSS & DAMAGE FUND’. We have tried to put all our posts about COP27 and cOY17 in one place here.

Well, for COP28, just bookmark this page for updates and news regarding the upcoming COP28 and COY18.

The Road to COP28

cop28 in DUBAI

Many organizations that are pro sustainability are now working hard, getting ready to meet their goals for COP28. As a youth who is passionate about environment and climate change, you need to prepare too. But how do you prepare?

First and foremost, I also don’t have the exact tips of how to go about this. In fact, it is even possible for me to miss out attending COP28. I almost missed attending COP27 as well. Problem? Of course, money! Self-funding can be truly hard! Anyway, all in all, below are my suggestions regarding your journey to COP28:

1. Note the date and place and mark your Calendar

UNFCCC already confirmed the dates (30th November to 12 December 2023) and place (Dubai, United Arab Emirates). There you! The last one happened in November in Egypt, and COP28 will happen in UAE between November and December.

2. Get started with social and climate oriented initiative (s)

Miklah Message 2023
Sacred Entrepreneurship

If you aren’t yet involved in any environment or sustainability related initiative, get started! This is the most important thing. COP is about meeting others at global scale and forge a way forward for the planet. If you aren’t doing anything, what exactly shall you contribute to COP28?

So, get started! You can join climate activism or climate journalism or climate entrepreneurship like us here at Miklah or volunteer at a sustainability oriented organization or whatever! Just do something small in your capacity to contribute to climate action! If you don’t know how to get started, we are here for you. Join our Entrepreneurship Program and we will show you how!

3. Networks and connections

I already narrated a story of how COP27 was my first COP even when I had spent more than 5 years in social and environment entrepreneurship, and with some real work to show for it, right? Well, the reason I delayed getting into COP was poor networks or, specifically, poor climate change oriented networks and connections.

I had networks, but not with COP oriented people, the climate and environment activists. Or I just ignored! Well, it should be different for you; start connecting now. For example, join the WhatsApp group below or our Miklah WhatsApp group for continuous updates! You can also subscribe to our mailing list so you never miss anything in our circles!

4. Approach it as a group, prepare as an individual!

I will come back to this point later. All I want to say is, there is always when you as an individual will have to figure it out yourself. When things get crazier, even group leaders hide or at least secure the few available spots for themselves. And you will have to figure it out on your own.

Whether it is getting accredited, finding a sponsor or whatever, be sure and ready that any minute it will just be you, and you alone! So, yeah, join networks, collaborate, and see success altogether. But be prepared to do it solo if situations require that.

For now, that is it!

  1. Note the date and place and mark your calendar
  2. Ensure you are truly involved in social and environment related initiatives
  3. Join groups and networks so you are kept in the news
  4. Be prepared to go solo when everything gets tough
  5. And, of course, handle me nicely; I am your friend! Lol. Connect with me on LinkedIn at Thank you.

The Road to COY18

As you already know, COY or Conference of the Youth usually happens few days (usually a week) prior to the major COP conference. As of today, there is no enough information regarding COY18 in UAE. However, the assumption is, it will be! Well, note this:

YOUNGO Global Focal Persons elections are over, and we currently have new leaders. According to the election results announcement and as posted on the official UNFCCC website, our new leaders are Zihan Xuan (UK) for Global North FP ( and Hemavathi S Shekhar (India; for Global South FP. Definitely, if we are to inquire about the arrangements of COY18, these are the people to ask! Again, I will follow up, and shall update you when I get new information!

Additionally, NOTE that it is quiet easier to be accredited for COY conference than it is for COP. So as days get closer, be closer too, and at least secure your place for either of the conferences. Or both. Otherwise, thank you.

The Road to COP28 updates as they come!


Sultan Al Jaber, the chief of UAE’s national oil company, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, which is one of the world’s biggest oil company, has been appointed the President of the upcoming COP28 Climate Summit that shall take place in UAE.

Sultan Al Jaber, UAE.

To some, this is a strike in the fight against fossil fuels and the continued dominance of COP meetings by oil executives. To others, this is a balance strike! While Sultan heads the country’s oil, he is also spearheading efforts towards renewable energy in the same country. The guy is the Chairman of UAE’s renewable energy project, Masdar, implying that he is ‘balancing the boat’ (only Ugandans will understand the quoted words, lol). But you too have understood. The message is this: fossil fuels are a danger to environment and biodiversity, but we still need them. Additionally, if oil related projects are implemented with people and planet at the forefront, negative impacts can be reduced even more. Therefore, phasing them out should be strategic, with better replacements. And Al Jaber will provide that balance since he understands or has got interests in both sides. These are my views. I could be terribly wrong! Does it resonate with something related? Yes, EACOP project! Lol. Some say, #StopEACOP. Others say, let’s have the damn thing! (Updated on 12th January 2023).

A by-the-way photo too:

COP28 Leadership, UAE

Update 2: COY18 is already on the move. According to latest reports, three UAE based organizations have been selected to host COY18 few days prior to COP28. These three organizations are Arab Youth Center (AYC), Green House – Youth Climate Think Tank, NYU Abu Dhabi, and American University of Sharjah. I have interfaced with some leaders from Arab Youth Center (AYC), and they are just awesome. Read my encounters here. I have also tried to explore the other co-hosts, and I think COY18 is likely gonna be the best we have ever had. So get ready for the bang!

Additionally, you already know that, before we have the international conference of youth on climate (COY), we usually have local conference of youth (LCOY) or even regional conference of youth (RCOY). Well, before organizations can host such conferences on behalf of YOUNGO, they apply. According to latest updates from YOUNG Focal Points, 3 rounds of applications have been enabled. First round is over, and selected organizations are here. For the second round, applications are done, and selection underway. For the 3rd round, if you or your organization is ready to host LCOY or RCOY, please do apply now. The forms for both LCOY and RCOY applications are here and here respectively. For the rest of the updates, just look at the screenshot below:

Update 3: A coalition of more than 140 youth organizations and climate activists have sent a letter to COP28 Presidency demanding for eco-friendly feeding during COP28. According to many critics, COP27 (Egypt) was massed with poor feeding habits, championed by companies like Coca-Cola, which many activists believe aren’t pro environment companies. Based on these experiences, activists want COP28 to prioritize plant-based foods over everything else. Download the letter here. There you go!

Additionally, a coalition of more than 100 individuals and organizations under ‘Climate Education Coalition’ have an open letter to COP28 Presidency as well. They are demanding for prioritization of climate education during COP28 negotiations and consequently demand UN States to incorporate climate education in their formal education systems. Read details and sign the letter here. As I write, more than 5,000 people and organizations have signed the petition.

That’s all for today (Updated: 3rd May 2023)